Your LIfe is a Dream. Mine is a NIghtmare.- Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"Chesa," My mom whispered. I opened my eyes. Nothing was around me, the house scene had disappeared, leaving just my mother standing there with open arms. I ran to hug her.

"Mom," I cried into her arms.

"Darling, I want you to stay strong, okay?" She looked me in the eyes so seriously, "The truths will start spilling from here on out. Don't let people manipulate you and keep your friends close to you. Everything is going to change." I nodded my head.

"Oww!" I gently touched my forehead. When I was nodding my head in my dream, I was doing so in real life as well, causing me to bang my head against the wall. The time showed me 5:30. I slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Might as well take a shower now before the others to get to it," I yawned, shuffling my feet. I locked the door, stripped down, turned on the warm water, and let the soothing feeling consume me. Lately I've been feeling as if these nightmares are actually a connection to my mom. All her warnings and advice seem too real. Maybe listening to my imaginary her will help me.

I turned off the water and put on my new uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror, spun around in my outfit. I guess it was a pretty good masterpiece. I looked at the clock. 6:00.

"I'll go eat before the louge is filled. Maybe they'll have blueberry pancakes," I perked up. Breakfast was my favorite time to eat. I could have muffins, cereal, pancakes, waffles, doughnuts, and bagels. It's like a dream come true. I quietly grabbed my blue messenger bag and silently shut the door behind me. No one seemed up and about yet. I pressed the up button for the elevator. I skipped inside. I was strangely truly excited for this day. Going to breakfast always gives me a rather excited mood.

However, that mood shattered into a million pieces as the elevator door opened showing me my worst enemy, Chris Knight. But to my content he wasn't alone, little miss popular was clinging on to him like a hunger-crazed mokey to a banana.

"Hm, why are you up so early?" Chris asked coldly.

"I could ask you the same question," I smirked. Honestly I could care less about them, but being in a elevator all alone with the lovey dovey couple would make me kill myself. Luckily before the elevator door closed someone shoved their messenger bag to stop the door. It was Tristan, the half-brother of Chris, or so rumored.

"Yo," was all Tristan said as he entered the elevator of hell.

"Hi," I said then leaned onto the golden rail, looking up at the mirrors.

"Darling," Nicole moaned as Chris hugged her tightly.

I made a gag noise, "Seriously if you're going to do that get a room!"

"Jealous much?" Nicole started stroking Chris's hair as she put her leg around him.

"Okay seriously," I held my stomach, "I'm about to puke up my dinner,"

"At least you don't have to share a room with the guy who brings his annoying girlfriend in all the time," Tristan commented.

"For real?" I looked at Tristan and he just nodded his head, "That sucks balls," We both started laughing. For some reason Tristan made me feel at ease. Then the door opened welcoming us four to the lounge. No one was there. The wholes place, empty.

"Well we have this place all to ourselves," Nicole stroked Chris's shoulder.

"Yayyy!" I screamed in joy and moved towards the waffle irons, not even listening to Nicole's comment. "They have waffles!" I moved towards a display of doughnuts, "And doughnuts! They have jelly filled and glazed!" I skipped over to the coffee machine, "And french vanilla cappuccinos, cafe mochas, and caramel frapps," I jumped over to the storage cabinets, "They have over a million different brands of cereal!" I was in my own fairytale, "There's so much to choose from!"

Nicole snickered, "You're such a child,"

I glared at her, "Better a child that a skanky slut!"

"Why you!" She was about to charge for me, but Chris held her back.

"Can you stop tormenting my girlfriend already," His cold eyes pierced me.

"Aw, Chris. It's so nice to see how much you care for her. To bad she doesn't know anything about you," I became disinterested and began making a waffle.

"Oh, and I suppose you know more about me?" Chris began walking over to me.

"No, not at all. Just that you're a jerk, cheater, and man-whore," I filled the iron with waffle mix and closed it. From behind me his hands slapped the counter, scaring the living crap out of me. He leaned in closer to me. His face was getting way too close.

"Reallly now? Why have you come to hate me so, Che-sa?" He smirked evily. He was about to cup my face with his hand. Slap! He backed away.

"Keep your filthy self away from me Chris. You're a liar and a betrayer. Not only that, but you're a coward. Do you even care about Yuki and Cassandra?" I screamed. Tristan looked at me, surprised for some reason.

"Yuki and Cassandra? Who are they? I have no clue what you're talking about," Chris said slyly and coldly. He said them so casually that it seemed like he was telling the truth.

Nicole started laughing, "What are you talking Chesa? Who are Yuki and Cassandra? You're obviously mistaking my boyfriend for someone else,"

"Really now? She doesn't know?" I tested. From her expression I could sense that she had no clue what I was talking about. She was also aggrivated by the fact that I made it sound ike a secret only I knew.

"My, my Chris you are a great liar. Living a fake life? I look down on you even more now," I turned to my finished waffle, placed it on a plate, and smothered it in syrup and whip cream. I put my plate down, about to add a strawberry at the top, but Chris forcefully grabbed me and dragged me out to the hall. He pushed me against the wall, clutching my shoulders roughly. I flinched in pain.

"Ow!" I complained.

"Chesa, you need to shut up! No one knows about them. I never want you to say their names in this school," Chris demanded.

"Why?" I asked obviously pissed at him.

"That is none of your business," Chris put his arms back to his side.

"Really now? It's none of my business? Sorry to say this, but it is my business," I yelled at him while he just stared at me, "Ever since my mom died the only person who was there for me was Yuki, Cassandra, and you, but since you obviously don't give a crap about me or them, it is official my business!"

"Don't you dare act like I'm the one at fault here!" Chris said angrily.

"Oh, sorry to disappoint you, but you are!" I screamed, "Making up a fake life like the coward you are, forgetting who are the people that really care about you, and erasing Cassandra and Yuki from your life whenever you walk into this school. You are an idiot and a wimp. Forgetting them like it's nothing and running away from the reality,"

"Chesa you know nothing about me or why I'm doing this," He grinded his teeth.

"Yeah because you know what? I wish I had a mother just to ignore her and act like she's nothing to me," I snapped and he did as well. The last thing I saw was his fist.

I opened my eyes. Luckily for me he just punched the wall, but it was centimeters away from my face. I didn't realize it, but I had started crying.

"You are lucky to still have a mother to love you," I calmly stated, "So why are you acting like they are nothing to you?"

"Because," Chris placed both of his arms back to his side again and just walked away.

I landed on my knees and snickered, "Running away again? You're such a coward," But my tone of voice softened as I said, "You're so stupid,"


Chris, What is he to you guys?

Jerk? Liar? Coward?

Or perhaps: Sweet? Kind? Quietly caring for Chesa?

Maybe you're unsure or neutral about him.

Comments below.

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