On the Sea

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Emmas pov-
When we were sailing out on the bright blue waters I knew something wasn't right. I turned to look at Hook who was sailing and lost in thought so I went over to Mary Margret. "Somethings not right." "How can you tell Emma." "I just know Im gonna go talk to Hook." "Ok just be careful." I nodded and walked off. When I made it to the wheel he was still lost in thought so I tapped him on the shoulder. He shook his head and said "Swan to what do I owe the pleasure." Right when I was about to answer we heard Snow scream. I took off running with Hook right behind me. When we saw what was happening I reacted so fast I had no idea what I was doing. I grabbed Hooks sword while he was grabbing another and started fighting. When all the guys I was fighting were out cold I pulled Snow behind some barrels and watched Hook fight. He was amazing and when Hook took him out he did this fancy spin move that made his long coat spin.

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