He stayed silent for some seconds until he turned around his body, holding up a white furball at me. The puppy held its tongue out at me while I was completely taken aback. I looked from the dog to him, watching Kakashi look at the dog with the same eyes the puppy had.

"Puppieeees" he said with a glint of happiness at the fact that he was holding a puppy. 

I couldn't help but giggle at how adorably cute what he had just done was. 

I looked at the dog again, being pet by Kakashi while he smiled at it like nothing else mattered. 

"From all the ninjas I know, and I've known a lot, I would have never thought that Kakashi Hatake was a soft drunk" I said, still giggling at how unexpectedly welcomed this Kakashi was. 

"I'm not drunk" he muttered with the same childlike tone he had when he told me there were puppies, making me smile at his cuteness again. 

"And I'm not drunk either" I said sarcastically as I sat beside him, petting another dog next to him as it had walked to me and had started to nuzzle against my legs craving to be petted. 

We sat in silence, petting the small dogs while the refreshing night breeze blew around us, making the silence more palpable although still pleasant. 

"If you're here because you don't want to let the puppies go, why don't you take them inside?" I asked him, not knowing what words were coming out of my mouth because of how the alcohol was affecting me. 

He shook his head in denial effusively, still like an adorable kid while he stayed in silence for some seconds. Seeming to have the same difficulty as me to find the words to talk due to the alcohol in both of our systems.

"Too many people being too loud" he simply said with his dark orb lost on the puppy.

I looked from him to the puppy, hoping to get the answer as to what did he saw on that puppy that made his eyes had that intriguingly beautiful glisten. And for a moment, I wasn't sure if his answer was referring to the dogs or himself.

"I must agree with you" I said, leaning my head down to watch at the puppy who was patting my chest with its soft paws. 

"(Y/n)!?" A voice tore from inside the bar, making me remember why was I here. 

I carefully held the soft puppy and laid it next to Kakashi again.

"Anyways, I need to go back" I said standing up and walking to where I had set down the box of sake, disappearing inside the bar without having a reply from the drunk jonin. 

"Thank you (Y/n)! You're an angel!" Asuma smiled at me, also drunk.

"Fuck you, Asuma" I said back at him, although in reality I wasn't angry at him. 

I grabbed the beer I had initially stood up for and walked my way back to the table where some different people had joined as well.

Again, time passed as quickly as it had the first half of the party, with the difference that people were starting to be even drunker to the point that there now lied some passed out jonins on the floor. I had stopped drinking after that beer because I was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable due to some jonins like Genma with whom I had been jokingly flirting starting to not take it as a joke. But especially due to not wanting to end like the ninjas who had vomited and had to leave home. Still, whatever the reasons were, the truth was that I was starting to not feel comfortable. It was something normal though, being sober when the rest were drunk always gave you a different perspective, and my perspective was one of no fun and just loud noise. It was just becoming too stuffy and overcrowded for me, so I stood up both wanting to flee from the flirtatious ninjas and the crowded atmosphere of the place. 

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