Part 241

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Julie's POV

"Bye baby" I kiss Libby for the last time tonight, we had spent the whole day together - getting lost in time. We didn't realize it was so late until Libby's Nana called her - making us come back to reality.

"One more" She whispers against my lips, we couldn't get enough of each other - she was addicting. Her lips always drove me crazy, the way her teeth grazed against my bottom lip - begging for entrance. She needed to feel my tongue with hers - I would take her right now in Mum's car if she didn't need to go.

"Mmm I'll see you tomorrow" She licks her lips, savoring my taste

"Be careful stepping out" The roads were slippery on this frosty night, I had to drive extra careful all the way back to Libby's house. She waves me off one last time before stepping into her home. I wasn't looking forward to seeing Mam I knew she would be upset with me - I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. I take my time driving back, going under the speed limit - trying to imagine how the atmosphere would be when I got back.

"Here we go" I take a deep breath walking up the grand staircase of our home. It was only ten o'clock so my parents should be up - waiting for me. The house was silent, not a sound to be heard - it made my anxiety increase by miles.

"Mum?" I call out; I check the front room finding no one. They must have gone to sleep, I hesitate whether to check their room or not - I regret it instantly.

"FCK MY LIFE!" I screech, slamming the door straight away. All I saw was Mum's backside on full view - my screams must have woken up Bella. I cringe in my spot before seeing myself to Izo's room.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry" I gently pick her up in my arms and sit in the rocking chair beside her cot. They couldn't wait until I got home? I guess Mam wasn't that upset, otherwise she wouldn't have been at it with Mum. Izo's cries instantly stop once I put the pacifier in her mouth. It wasn't until sometime later I heard footsteps approaching Isabella's room - Mum coming into view

"Sorry about that" She blushes, her hair is wet - she had taken a shower, and I was silently sighing with relief. My Mum with sex hair and odor wasn't something I wanted to see or smell. She walks over to me and takes a sleeping Izo from my arms - resting her back into her crib.

"Come, let me hold you" She pulls me off the rocking chair and takes my original seat - drawing me down onto her lap. My body instantly relaxes into her arms - she holds me like an infant, her arms wrapped tightly around me.

"You really hurt you Mam earlier" She speaks in a whisper, I could hear the hurt in her tone - if I upset Mam, I always seemed to upset Mum in the process

"It just came out" I confessed, she doesn't answer for some while - she simply holds me, kissing me every so often. The only sound to be heard was the chair rocking back and forth - she was rocking me to sleep. I've never been rocked to sleep before, never been shown this much affection. After a year of living with my parents - it was all still very new to me.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" She asks with a chuckle

"Mmm" I hum sleepily

"Can you hold me until I fall asleep?" I ask pathetically, she replies with a kiss - tugging me in closer to her. It was a good thing the rocking armchair was comfortable - otherwise her bum would have gone numb by now. She sings to me, it was a low whispered melody - I've never heard this song before, but it mellows me. It sooths me into a peaceful slumber.


Author's POV

Julie had really hurt her Mam - deeply. It was the type of hurt that shattered your entire heart; Cheryl felt the words tear her whole world apart. 'Would she really choose her girlfriend over us?' She asked herself that afternoon. She had cried in her wife's arms - needing a way to escape from her working brain. She needed her Kimba to ease the tension - ease the pain. Kimberley holds her daughter in her arms, singing to her - hoping she would fall asleep in a peaceful manner.

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