Part 240

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Author's POV

The scent in the room was foreign to Julie, the sweet vanilla and lavender was replaced with a strong red apple and oak. She was completely shattered. The drug had numbed her entire being, keeping her asleep - forcing her eyes to stay closed. She stretches out on the double bed - sighing with comfort, she knew she was at her Aunt Sarah's; last nights memory flash back to her jolting her eyes opened.

"Sh*t!" She sits up too fast, her vision clouding with the blood hastening to her brain - getting her light headed. She's afraid she said something wrong last night, she doesn't remember anything past walking into her Aunts home. She checks the time seeing it was only nine o'clock in the morning - she exhales with relief knowing she hadn't slept in for too long. She slowly gets out of bed and tiptoes down the stairs - the smell of bacon being cooked makes her stomach rumble. Last nights munchies not satisfied.

"Good morning potty" Sarah greets her with a cackle, Julie giggles along with her - thankful her aunt isn't blowing up on her

"You're not going to tell me off?" She asks, taking a seat on the kitchen barstool

"Nah.. Although if Cheryl finds out she'll be telling both of us off" This makes Julie's heart quicken in beats - her parents were definitely going to kill her

"Please don't tell them" She says in a pathetic whisper, she couldn't have her parents find out - she didn't want to disappoint them with the actions she had been enacting

"I wont say anything... Just don't do it again" Sarah knew Julie wouldn't listen to her - she wasn't her Mum to tell her what to do. She could only try and talk some sense into that teenage mind of hers.

"Erm.. So bacon?" Julie wasn't going to stop doing drugs - she loved it, she loved everything about escaping this world with only a puff or two from the amazing 'Green Magic'

"Made you a fry up" Sarah sets the overloaded plate in front of a starving Julie - without any hesitations she tucks into the breakfast, eating it with absolutely no manners. She doesn't care, she's starving and she needs to get this enormous amount of food into her irritable belly.

"Do you mind taking me to the park near your house? My cars there" Julie asks just before shoveling a forkful of fried egg into her mouth

"You owe me for this!" Sarah says seriously - but Julie can't seem to take her Aunt seriously. She brushes it off with a laugh and continues to eat her breakfast whilst Sarah goes to change out of her pajamas. She should feel guilty, she should be worried, but her behavior seems to be unfazed. She doesn't care, she never did - she loved the rush of it all. So, she'd do it over-and-over again - she'd do it until she got sick of the escape.

"So where did your parents think you were last night?" Sarah asks coming back into view. Julie owed Sarah an explanation of what happened - she had saved her ass last night.

"Libby's.. I erm.. I was with my friend Jacob, we just wanted to have a good time" Julie tells a very unimpressed Sarah. She couldn't look her in the eye, so she busies herself - cleaning up the mess she created on the kitchen countertop - hurrying over and dumping her empty plate into the sink.

"Be careful Julie.. Don't do something you'd regret"

"I'm going to be honest with you" Julie begins, her aunt is listening to her - in someway Sarah understood where Julie was coming from. Sarah always loved a good time, and she couldn't blame the young teen. So she allows her to speak her mind, with a judgmental free zone.

"I'm not going to stop smoking.. I like it.. It's hard to explain... And Jacob respects me, he never takes advantage of me.. He's a good lad" And he was a good lad, he never disrespected Julie - he always looked out for her. Julie could see the good in him, and it was rare to have someone like him in her life.

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