Part 300

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-Author's POV-

The family and friends arrive to the Caribbean early that Friday morning; calmness erupts tranquil warmth into their worlds. They all hold tiered smiles as the heated breeze blows their way, it doesn't bother them, it makes a change from the cold airs they'd been experiencing back home.

"Mam I'm tiered" Julie moans, her body slumps against Cheryl's side as they make their way to the awaited cars.

"We're going to the resort now, don't go falling asleep"

"Mm" She grunts in response, Kimberley climbs in first, followed by Libby who had taken it upon herself to be apart of their little family. Cheryl chooses to stay calm during this holiday, the saying 'Happy wife, happy life' plays over and over again in her mind. She wasn't going to upset anyone during this supposed relaxing holiday.

"Climb in baby" She gently helps her sleepy daughter into the car.

"We'll meet you's at the resort" Nicola tells Cheryl as she walks along with Nadine to their SUV.

"See you in a bit" She hops into the car, and takes her seat beside a well-gone Julie.

"Come on Mam!" Joan picks up her pace and hurriedly climbs in.

"Don't know why you two picked a landing time at godly hour! Couldn't you's pick a normal time?!" She hisses in a low tone, Bella lies sleeping in her Mum's arms, Julie in Cheryl's and Libby's head resting on Kimberley's shoulder.

"You're the one that wanted to leave late from London, this is what you get. Nobody told you to drink yourself stupid" The mother and daughter bicker back and forth, Kimberley deciding to stay out of it. She wasn't going to get in the middle of their argument, especially when it involved two feisty Geordies.

"Leave us alone the entire holiday." Joan finishes the argument with her commanding words. The hangover wasn't doing her any good, and she couldn't stand the sight of her daughter, let alone her voice.

"Whatever!" Cheryl always needed to have the last say, the last word to finish what had abruptly started. Her eyes fixate to the dark world outside, she wished they'd arrived when the sun was out, but, by the looks of it, the sun would be rising shortly. It was a holiday they would all remember, and she hoped her little Julie would enjoy it, even under the circumstances of Libby joining.

"Baby, adjust Julie's neck. She'll have a cramp if she stays in that position" Kimberley whispers in a soothing tone, the boiling anger had settled with just the voice her wife emitted so gracefully. Cheryl pulls her daughter onto the lap Julie has always found herself in. The teen stirs in her sleep, but instantly finds comfort in her mother's neck; inhaling the familiar scent.

"Are we almost there?" She murmurs.

"Just a couple minutes" Cheryl's hand runs into the back of her daughter's shirt, knowing how much it soothed the teen. It sends her back into her dream world instantly.

"So, whose in whose room?" Joan speaks up again, the earlier argument long and forgotten.

"Don't worry Mam, we got you your own room"

"That's not what I meant, I want Bella and Julie to stay with us" The mother argues. She'd spent lonely nights missing her grandkids, and now that they were with her, she didn't want to neglect her time with them.

"Jule's and Olivia are staying in a room with Lexi, and Bella was going to stay in our room" Cheryl informs her.

"Julie and Bella will sleep in me room, you's two can have your privacy on this trip" Joan was informed about Libby and Julie's heartbreaking tragedy, and the thought of her little grandchild's heart breaking didn't set well with her. Joan had turned cold to the ex-girlfriend.

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