Loki was running out of patience, too. He realized there was no time for courtesy and politeness anymore, it was time to act. I went after them, went to see what he had in store to enchant her with. I heard him mumbling something about an apology to her.

I saw it then. He had created a rose garden. It was not only big and clean, it had also all the kinds of roses imaginable. The smell was heavy, it made me sick, it was out of his world. Enchanting. 

Caroline gasped at what she saw. Frankly, it was a brilliant idea. Subtle, romantic even, something women fell for. The roses were forming her name. But this wasn't what broke my heart - it was her smile, the smile she tried to hide the moment it played around her mouth. 

That was the moment when I was sure, when I knew that I loathed Loki like I knew my name. He wouldn't let us be happy, even if she regained her memories. I had to get rid of him, an impossible task. I couldn't kill him, Caroline would never forgive me this. We had to run - to leave to somewhere he couldn't find us.

I hated Loki. I hated him with all my heart. And I had made a decision.

"That's very sweet, Loki. Thank you." 

Evil as he was, Loki shot me a dirty look and grinned.

Grin as much as you like, Loki. Grin as long as you still can grin. For when the time is right, I will take her away and hide her inside my heart. She will be unreachable for your grasp and your greedy eyes. You might be smart, Loki, but you'll never be smarter than me.

"Would you like to spend the rest of the day with Loki, love? I can pick you up later."  I suggested slyly. 

The look on Loki's face was priceless - that alone was worth it.  Only a few hours - I could tell Caroline wanted to stay there today, too. Or she would blame me for how she couldn't say goodbye.

"Um, you sure it's alright with you?"  She asked, and I smiled at her.

"Of course. I will see you tonight then, darling."  I replied happily and kissed her cheek before I left. I smile the entire drive home.

Back at home, I didn't hesitate to pack up.

I filled two suitcases with some clothes for me and her along with some necessities and our paperwork. God, women and their women stuff. I stuffed them inside the car and stayed still for a moment, braced against the car boot. My eyes were closed and I felt my heart throbbing inside my ears. I was exhausted.

Taking a few deep breaths, I thought about my plan all over again. I wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything, that my plan had no holes.

I would pick her up and and we'd leave for the airport. Of course she wouldn't come willingly, but it was necessary that she trusted me. Then, we'd take the plane to England and hide there. To be honest, I had no idea what we would do after that.

He would find us, of course he would. I believed not even Caroline could make him stay away from us. Giving up wasn't in Loki's nature.

I felt so helpless. But I had to do anything I could for her. For us. 


(Loki's P.O.V.)

It was a trap, of course.

I didn't need to break into his skull to know that - something was off. He would never leave her with me, not over his dead body. Though his body might just be dead soon enough. 

Oh, my love. If you only knew what I have in mind.

Caroline had become so beautiful, so stunning - even more than she already was before. Impossible, I had thought. Only goddesses had these looks. If only she realized that all I did, I did for her. Would she realize that love came at a high cost, then? 

She had been favoring a mere mortal over me, all this time. I was a Prince, and soon to be a King! What did she see in him?  Was it his innocence? Innocence was nothing, meant nothing, when she could have fierce, passionate love. What is better than being loved by me? 

Your fire is burning me down. And he has ignited you. But frostbite burnt stronger. You do not know what is the best for you. You are not soft, not fragile to need a soft and fragile man like him.  What a pathetic sight, just the thought of him. You need someone strong as you, someone who could return your invincible love.

She ripped me out of my thoughts, it was her angel like voice and I did not mind.

"So... what do you want to eat for dinner? I haven't cooked for you for days."  

She cared for me.

"Cook what ever you want, my dear, I like everything you like."  I answered, and my cold fingers trailed over the skin of her elbow when she left. 

So warm. What a pity I had to be so cold. Cold was strong, but warm was beauty, poetry, ecstasy. To an extent, I could comprehend why she would be drawn to all that. After all, it was what drew me her. She had to understand that I could offer more

While she made dinner, I went upstairs into my library. The forbidden room. I had not forbidden her to enter just for the sake of it - no. As long as my creation was unfinished, it was to remain for my sight only. Lots of thought and effort, blood and tears, hours of work had flown into this. It would be ready soon. 

A part of what I could offer more was the essence of everything godly - immortality. One was either born or made immortal. Not everyone was powerful enough to do the latter. The ceremony was complex, required unimaginable amounts of power and concentration, the performance had to go unflawed. 

Unflawed, in the sense of uninterrupted and performed correctly. There was not one unflawed thing about the process itself - it was barbaric. Blood had to flow. Pain. 

I hated myself for the mere thought of it -  I do not like to see her hurt. But it was necessary and inevitable. What was a mortal's life, those few years, nothing, meaningless. My queen could impossibly be mortal. Then, she would be worthy of everything. 

Do no harm, never for vain. I never did something without a reason. I had prepared.

"Shawarma's ready!"  She shouted from downstairs. I was there in an instant, my eyes already aching for her sight.

She was startled but laughed. I sat down and leaned forward in anticipation to have her near me. Caroline gracefully took the plates and put one in front of me and one in front of her. Then, she sat down and looked into my eyes, unintentionally hypnotizing me.

"Enjoy!"  She said and all her attention was drawn to the Shawarma in her hands. I did not know why she loved this Midgardian form of food, but for her I acted as if I liked it. It was disgusting.

I had to do it fast, I could not bear being around her like this. I had grown tired of waiting. What if she made me angry again? I could kill her in an instant like this. It was too dangerous. No, she needed to be like me. I couldn't go another second without holding her and telling her she was mine...


After a while, her 'husband' came to take her away. I allowed it, as it was the last time. Tom would not have her a moment longer, fate had earased her memories of him as she was destined to be with me!

You will be mine and mine alone.

The Sacrifice: Fallen | Loki | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now