Chapter 7

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*Flashbacks in bold*

Location: Ground floor corridor, Gilani Residence

Time: 10:15 am, 3 days after the murder

That morning officer Hughes made a visit to the Gilani House to ask some more questions to the staff and Mrs. Gilani, who had not made a single official statement about the incident yet. It had already been an hour since her arrival and she had spoken to a few of them as the guards escorted her to the servant's quarters on the first floor.

Irene, who had returned to work the day after the murder, was the first one to be questioned. She did not disclose much information about her employers and the rest of the staff other than what was already known. Abigail tried her best to use her word play but the staff seemed to be too well trained to betray their boss.

"Like I've told you before officer, I only offered Kathaleen to work as my replacement for three weeks because she was in need of a job. Nobody asked me to do it. We lived in the same neighborhood and that's about all. The background check was Mr. Ali's responsibility not mine."

Irene repeated the same answer, this time a little annoyed.

"Hmm." Abigail responded, scribbling down some notes in her notebook. "And this Ali, he's in charge of what exactly?"

"Everything. He supervises all the other staff, especially the ones in the security team."

"So he must be really close to the Gilani's I suppose."

"He has worked for them longer than any of us have. They trust him."

She made a mental note of questioning him soon.

"Is that all officer? Because we've been here for the past 15 minutes and I'm afraid I cannot give you anymore of my time or information. I have to a kitchen to look after."

Abigail clicked her pen and stepped aside.

"Sure, that'll be all."

Irene walked off in long strides and Abigail started to walk in the other direction towards the lobby.

'Well paid servant brats, all of 'em' She murmured to herself.

The walk to the lobby was a long one. The residence was somewhat of a small palace, built in good old European style architecture with several modern technologies hidden in plain sight. They had taste visibly. And a huge bank balance to back it up as well. She took mental and written notes of the small details as she walked through the grand corridors. When she arrived at the lobby, she asked one of the guards at the reception about his mistress. He picked up the intercom and received orders from the other end, and conveyed it to her.

"Mrs. Gilani will be here in a few minutes officer, you can wait at the reception lounge." He pointed towards the sofas arranged around a small coffee table a bit further away from the desk.

As assured, Faiza came down and walked towards the lounge within the next few minutes. She was dressed up in a cream satin shirt with black high-waisted trousers and fine heels. Her hair tied back into a sleek ponytail. The usual wealthy mistress look.

"Officer Hughes, it's a pleasure meeting you." She greeted and shook her hand.

"Pleasure's all mine Mrs. Gilani."

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