Chapter 2

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*Flashbacks in bold*

Location: Grand Hall, Gilani Residence

Time: 7:08 pm, 14 minutes before the murder.

Ali hurried to the main floor and subtly entered the hall, trying to reach Faiza without getting noticed by the others. She was standing somewhere near the middle talking to the guests and instructing the waiters to serve them some scotch. When he finally was able to reach her, he whispered in the lowest audible voice possible.

"Ma'am, we have an issue at hand."

Faiza's expression changed for a second but she regained her composure before anyone could notice.

"What is it Ali? Is it something you can't handle yourself? I'm in the middle of something."

"I know ma'am and if weren't urgent I would've never disturbed you."

Faiza smiled at her guests. They were busy talking amongst themselves so she silently slipped out. They walked out of the hall and reached the corridor, walking at a fast pace.

"Now will you tell me what's happening?"

Ali stopped in his tracks, making her stop too.

"There's an intruder in the house."

Faiza gathered her brows in worry. Ali asked her to follow him to the surveillance room, where on one of the screens a still image showed the blurry face of the uninvited guest.

Her eyes widened. It didn't take her a second to recognize that face.

"Where is he now? Locate him right away."

The guards started working fast at her command, looking through all of the cameras placed across the whole residence. The only places that did not have cameras were the bedrooms and to some extent, the second-floor corridors.

"Um, ma'am?" One of them spoke up hesitantly. "I think he's headed upstairs, towards you room perhaps, and..."

He stopped.

"And what?"

"And sir has gone up just a few minutes ago."


Jamal knocked on the glass door before entering.

"Ahhh, Jamal my boy! You've done a great job with Bangash last night. I've just gotten off the phone with the police. They were telling me how neat you were. Not a trace left."

"Have I ever left a trace behind Lala?" He smirked as he took a seat in front of Lala Pasha across the table.

"No, that you haven't. That's why you are my best. Now tell me, what have you got?"

Jamal leaned in his seat and placed the file in his hand on the table.

"The accounts Munim Seth used for laundering the money. It's all in here. Bangash kept it hidden as evidence in case Seth turned back on his word. He had made every plan to rat him out in case something went wrong."

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