Before The Ceremony

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Edit 03/06/20

"We'll talk about that after the ceremony love." Alec said to both of us, alex nodded the grin never leaving his face. I stared at them almost as if they grew two heads, something alec thought was funny.

"Uh o ok." I stuttered out lightly as they switched places again. Alex made his way to the bathroom sending us a wink as he closed the door, my face turned pink. Though I finally got a good look on what alec was wearing. Ripped blue jeans and a band Tee simple but quite nice on the tall male.

"Alright little one lets get you ready for your bath." Alex said as he started to carry me around the room.

"I can walk alex." I huff at him wiggling to get down. He only chuckled holding me tighter against his chest humming.

"Oh no you don't. I like carrying my baby boy. So hush my love." I flushed brightly at his words before hiding my face in his shoulder making him laugh softly.

3rd person pov

As kie whined at his mate, alex smiled softly at the smaller one. The alpha perked up hearing the bathroom door open once again. The two looked up as alec exited the bathroom towel drying his hair. He was also wearing the same ripped blue jeans as his brother.

"Do you guys just have two of the same pants?" Kie asked tilting his head slightly confused. Alex and alec both cooed at the adorable action causing kie to blush. The smaller of the three hid his face in alec's shoulder groaning.

"What's wrong kitten?" Alex cooed with a soft smile causing kie's ears to go darker red. The smaller huffed softly at them peeking out his blue eyes narrowed and lips pouting profusely.

"S shut u up." The black haired boy huffed out at the other. His mouth was gently poped by alex making kie blink eyes wide, having been hit before it wasn't a shock. But never so gently or by someone with such a serious dominating look.

"Bad baby. That was very rude. Apologise." Alex scolded lightly making kie look down with a sad pout.

"I'm sorry." He muttered hiding behind his hair lips pouting even more if possible.

"I couldn't hear you baby." Alex hummed leaning closer to the boy.

"Sorry." Kie muttered louder pouting more looking away from the taller male. Choosing instead to bury his head in alec's shoulder.

"Looks like we need rules before the ceremony. Right alex." Alec asked his twin who nodded watching kie's shy form. The boy peaked out at the mention of rules nose scrunching up cutely.

"Ya! I'm 18! I don't need rules!" He whined instantly glaring at his two mates who gave him a sharp look. The younger squeaked head dropping to the ground instantly in submission.

"S Sorry." Kie stuttered out with a small sigh. 'I practically raised myself. Why do I need rules?'

"See this is why you need rules." Alex cooed gently bouncing kie slightly making the smaller squeak and cling to him.

"B but W why?" He whined softly at them confused, not completely understanding.

"Because you're just a baby and you need rules to be a good little one." Alec poked his nose making kie scrunch his nose slightly. Alex couldn't help but coo at the boys adorable reaction.

"I don't get a choice do I?" Kie asked, the boys only smirked at him. Making him sigh softly at the two, as they place kie on the bed. The twins pull two chairs over with a piece of colored paper and a pencil.

"Now Kie we have a few set rules for you already." Alex started handing the colored paper over to the blue eyed boy. Taking the paper he kinda just stared at it before handing it back looking away shyly.

"I uh can't read." The younger muttered softly his step mother took him out of school so he would focus on only doing the housework. He never had a chance to learn how to read or write but he did have his drawing.

"It's ok baby boy we can read them to you." Alec said with a soft hum alex nodding along. They started reading the list to him making sure he understood them.

No throwing a fit

No cursing whatsoever

If you need something ask

Never hit your daddies

Always listen to your daddies

Never back talk

"Do you understand these rules?" Alex asked after giving kie a moment to think them over.

"I still don't get the whole daddy thing but yes." Kie nodded messing with his hair a bit sheepish face a bit pink.

"We will explain everything after the ceremony baby boy." Alec said raising a hand to stop any questions before they could start. There was a sudden knock on the door making all three look up.

"Alpha's everything is set up for our new luna." A guard said through the door in a calm tone.

"Oh god." Mutters kie before falling back onto the bed arm's spread out. "I am not ready for this shit."

There was silence before he realized what he had done. He covered his face groaning as the alphas watched their mate amused.

Hey guys! Another update crazy right. Once again thank you for your support, you all are so sweet to me. I never expected the amount of care you all gave me. Honestly it mean a lot I really can't express how much it means to me. If any of you know BTS I'm mostly like suga with emotions, not very good at expressing or talking about them. But thank you so very much for everything.

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