Day Before

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Sorry I did this so I wouldn't be confused on old comment vs new comments. Just bare with me.

Edited 01/25/20

"This is so wrong." I mutter running as fast as I possibly could away from the palace, holding up the dress I was forced into. Just earlier I was at the ball not just any ball I was at the royal ball. Now if that's not bad enough, I'm in a dress. And oh yeah I may or may not bumped into my mate or should I say mates. Who are by the way is the SOON TO BE KING'S OF MY COUNTRY! So yeah, it's been one of those day's ya know. Ok let me take you to the beginning and why I'm in a dress in the first place and at the ball for that matter. My stepmother and sisters use me as a slave since my father died years ago. Since then I've been doing everything they ever told me to do. Wash the dishes, water and weed the garden, cook dinner, and even sometimes on rare occasion do nothing. Here let me show you what happened yesterday so you know how this all came to be.

Day Before

"Kie!! Don't forget to polish the shoes for tomorrow." My step sister ,rosetta, yelled from the living room where her, stephanie my other step sister, and my step mother lauren was. They were all getting new dresses tailored for the royal ball tomorrow.

"Yes ma'am"I said politely while I wiped down the counters of the kitchen. They all resumed chatting about the ball.

"I'm gonna be the prince's mate."Stephanie boasted I could hear the small growl from rosetta. Ignoring them I finished cleaning and walked towards their bedrooms to start polishing the shoes.

"No I will be the prince's mate." Rosetta growled at her sister, though I could imagine the glare in her eyes. As the girl's continued to fight about who's gonna be the prince's mate I polished all of their shoe's stopping only to make them dinner.

"Are we taking kie with us?" Rosetta asked after the dresses were finished. I couldn't see my step mother's face but all I heard her ask was.

"Is there enough fabric to make one more dress?" My eyes widened at the thought of being put in a dress and humiliated in front of the royal family.

"Yes ma'am I do would you like me to make another?" The taylor asked politely probably bowing. There was silence but I know it was a nod when the taylor came into the kitchen.

"I need to take your measurements please stay still."I could only nod and stay rock still letting him do as he pleases. After a few measurements were written down he left. I continued with dinner until he was done and called out to the living room.

"Dinners done ma'am" I said softly coming out to the living room, I was never allowed to speak loudly in front of my step sister's or my step mother.

"Come here and stand still." The taylor told me motioning to where he was standing. Timidly walked to him and stood where he motioned. As the taylor worked the girls went to grab their dinner after handing their mother her's. As the taylor spoke to my family,if you can call them that, I stayed silent watching as the baby blue dress was assembled. My hair was simi long but always in a back ponytail, if I left it down it would hang down to my ass.

Once the dress was assembled he started to sew the pieces together to form the chest of the dress. It was mostly lace to show off my flat stomach, there was a blue kinda bra to hide my actual chest. The under dress was a light blue while the skirt itself was a baby blue.from what I could tell. As he continued to sew it together he chatted with my step mom about the ball. It was supposed to be an all day and all night occasion. Much like the one the king and queen have every year. Once the pieces were in place and my step mother approved he took it carefully off me. Putting it beside the other two dresses noticeably made for my step sisters. He left promising to come back the following day with the finished dresses, I was told to clean up. My stomach rumbled softly begging for food. But I wasn't allowed to eat anything yet, not until the end of the week. After putting the scraps away I was ordered outside like every night.

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