The Feast

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3rd pov

All eyes were on the entrance as the royal family entered. The queen dragging the next luna while the twins walked behind them with their father. The alphas watched in amusement as the queen dragged kie to the royal table near the center of the back. The rest of the pack watched some talking among themselves, quite used to the queen's antics. After the royal family sat at the long table, draped in an expensive looking fabric. As the pack settled down all eyes turned towards the royal table. The king stood with a wide grin raising his arms to his pack.

"Let us feast!" The man called grin impossibly wider. The queen giggled at his enthusiasm as the brothers just rolled their eyes. Though the soft smile on their face wasn't that hard to spot. The pack cheered before getting up to go to the buffet. The royal family didn't have to move much since their food was already on the table. Kie was curiously looking at all the different food and treats on the royal table. The confusion on his face betrayed him as he stared in amazement at the different deserts that were near the end of the table.

"Whatcha looking at baby?" Alec asked cooing at his mates adorable face. Kie instantly goes red muttering a nothing as he looks back towards the other food. Though the entire table knew exactly what the future luna was looking at.

"If you finish all your food you can have some dessert. Ok baby?" Alex said quietly into kie's ear, as alec gathered a plate of food. Kie looked at his mate with wide eyes a innocent sparkle in them.

"R really?" Kie asked quietly as alec placed the plate in front of him.

"Yes love. Now eat," Alec started saying before chuckling, "not that fast."

Kie had started stuffing his face full wanting his treats already. With a sheepish giggle and a soft scolding from the twins, they all sat eating. Chatter was coming from everywhere in the dining room as people talked and laughed. Children whined and pouted at having to eat certain things. It was peaceful and to kie as he looked out from the alpha table, it felt like home. For once in a long time it felt like he was home. The warmth radiating from all around him filled him with a fuzzy feeling that hasn't been there in years. It was perfect in his eyes, staring out at the pack while he filled his belly with the food the twins placed in front of him.

After a hour of eating the king declared it desert time, his favorite time as he said. Making the pack chuckle at him, kids squealed happily when the desert was brought out. Servers taking away the rest of the food replacing it with cake and all sorts of sweet treats. Kie bounced in his seat excitedly, he hadn't had desert since his father died. Lauren always told him that he never deserved any treats, and that he was useless so why give them to him.

Seeing his excitement the twins instantly grabbed one of everything for him to try. Kie almost cried happy tears seeing it all, and knowing it was all for him. But of course he wanted to share it all with his mates.

"Wait where's rosetta?" Kie suddenly said looking around, his eyes stopped at a table close to the alpha's table. There sat rosetta talking with a female guard, was she blushing? kie couldn't see it very well. Instantly he got up and snuck over to the table with the twins watching him. The female guard noticed him, quickly he motioned to stay quiet which she did. Once he got closer to them he casually slipped his arm around rosetta's shoulders.

"Sooooo sis who's this?" He asked as she squeaked in surprise, making the guard laugh. Kie just grinned at her teasingly as she sputtered out,"This is uh risa, she's one of the alpha's guards."

"It's nice to meet you risa." Kie said holding out his hand for a handshake, instead risa took his hand and kneeled formally.

"It is my pleasure luna kie." She said before standing back up, kie smiled at her warmly. The twins smiled at the display knowing their mate was safe near the guard.

"Are you enjoying the food risa?" Kie asked letting his sister go, to stand by her chair. Risa nodded with a bright smile while eyeing rosetta slightly.

"I think I'm enjoying it even more now." She said making kie giggle while poor rosetta flushed darkly.

"Well I will leave you too it." Kie grinned winking walking away as rosetta squeaked at him in embarrassment. Risa chuckled, wishing him a good night and waving to his mates at the alpha table.

Hello again I'm so sorry I haven't posted in like a year. I know I said I was working on things. But life has been throwing curve balls at me the whole time. I won't promise to be back since I've been dealing with writers block for the majority of the year. I started writing and thinking of new stories. I haven't found the passion I once did for writing, I'm hoping that after this month and challenging myself to write more I will. I'll stop beating around the bush something bad happened the end of November that effected me a lot and I keep hoping it was a dream. But deep down I know it wasn't. The man I called my dad is dead and I've been trying to deal with it. I'm hoping by doing the things that being me joy will help with my grief. I was very close with him even though he wasn't blood to me. I'm sorry for coming back to this account like this but I don't know where to go to help my feelings. To you the person reading this I'm a faceless human and honestly I like that. I love that the people that read this don't know me in person, maybe it's because in person I'm the rock to help everyone in there troubles. Or that I try and be the strongest one the one people can always count on. Sorry I'm blabbering again. Just please be patient with me with updates. I am so sorry I can't get these chapters out on even a monthly base's I promise I really am trying. Stay safe and give hugs to the person that takes care of you. They won't always be there. Love them while you can please. Tomorrow isn't a promise.

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