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You ran out of your room and as you flew down the stairs you flung the cape on over the clothes you had on.

"William, Sebastian, Grell! We're going to the crime scene!"You yelled as you grabbed a pocket knife and stuck it into the little side pocket in the cape

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"William, Sebastian, Grell! We're going to the crime scene!"
You yelled as you grabbed a pocket knife and stuck it into the little side pocket in the cape.

You made your way to the door where Sebastian, Grell, and William were all waiting.
"Ooo Darling that cape is wonderful!"
Grell complemented.
"Thanks, now seating arrangements in the car: Sebastian and Grell in the back and William in the front with me."
You said while grabbing the keys and walking out the door. You caught a glimpse of Sebastian giving you a glare and you just smiled back.
"Yay Bassy is in the back with me!!"
Grell exclaimed while bounding to the car.
You got in the car as did everyone else and started driving.

~~~Time Skip~~~

You got to the park and parked the car. As you got out you spotted a police officer that you had worked on a few cases with. You made your way him.
"Excuse me Benjamin?"
The officer turned to look at you.
"Do you know how this lady was killed yet?"
"Oh Y/N how lovely to see again, unfortunately not under very pleasant circumstances. I'm afraid we do not yet know how this lady was killed but I will tell you there were traces of asphalt in the wound as well as in some of the water that was on some of her clothes. There was also a string found on one of the branches diagonally and to the right of where the victim was found."
Benjamin explained all that he knew about the murder.
"Very interesting."
You said as you pondered what could have been the cause of her death. You turned around and Grell was standing behind you and William and Sebastian were investigating the crime scene. You turned back around and said,
"Thank you for this information Benjamin, I will let you know if there is anything that I find out."
You turned around and headed. twords Sebastian and William.
Sebastian had a string in his hand and was examining it.
"Y/N, the middle of this string seems to be frayed a bit."
Sebastian said while walking over to you. He then held it up for you to see since you had no gloves on. The string looked like it had been pulled back very far and something had been rubbing against it. You turned to William who had now Also walked up.
He stood there with a blank and expression less faces. You could tell he was a bit mad. But you weren't sure about what.
Grell came and stood beside you and started looking at the string as well.
"HEY, you four! Stop tampering with the evidence for this case!"
You heard a voice coming from behind Sebastian. He turned around.
"You know that's evidence of this case, correct?"
He questioned. Sebastian then responded,
"Yes but we are here to help solve this case."
"I don't care what your here to do! Hand over the evidence!"
Sebastian then reluctantly surrendered the string to the coroner.
Sebastian turned around right as the man gave him a glare and walked away.
"Such a rude gentleman!"
Grell expressed. You sighed and turned around and headed back to the car.
"Come on, I think I have a bit of research to be doing."

~~~Time Skip to Back Home~~

The four of you walked back into he house. You were greeted by Claude and Ciel waiting for you all.
"Sebastian! This bloody butler wouldn't make me tea! All because Alois ordered him not to!"
Ciel immediately complained.
"Well it's not my fault you don't know how to make tea yourself!"
Alois spat back. You just face palmed.
"Well I bet you don't know how to make tea either!"
Ciel said while crossing his arms.
You walked past the two arguing and walked up to your office. You got your computer running and began researching.

~~~Time Skip~~~

You called down from the top of the stairs. Sebastian stood next to you in an instant.
He questioned.
"I need you to look at this, I have drawn a diagram of how I believe Malani Francis was killed"
You both walked into the office and you sank down into the plush chair. Sebastian stood behind you leaning over to see the computer screen.
"Is this possible?"
You pulled up a diagram that you had drawn of how you believed she was murdered.
"Actually it is very possible. I believe you have figured out how Malani Francis was murdered."

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