The Mission

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You changed into your favorite version of the assassin outfit. Everyone also came down to wish you and William goodbye. You put on a cloak and helmet,

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(Just imagine your own helmet)

Will said that he didn't need a helmet and something about how it would only get in the way. You grabbed your katana and hoped on the bike, Will getting on and holding onto your waste. "Are you ready Will?" you asked and he nodded in response, you started the bike up and  turned the LED's on. You hear Grell saying as you open the passageway out of the mountain, "Stay safe Y/N!" You  sped down the back dirt roads and looked in the review mirror you looked back at Will and he still had wet hair from the pool and he looked so hot,

 'God he's so sexy. Oh my god Y/N what are you even thinking you have to stop... but dang I can't take my eyes off his perfection, he's to good. Ok come on Y/N keep focused.' 

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned your attention back to the road and mission at hand. You got onto the main road and pulled into the parking lot across the street from the inn you were supposed to take the target out. You stoped the bike and got off as well as William, you took the helmet off and shook your h/l h/c out so it would fall in place. Though you quickly put it up in a bun and placed the helmet on the handle bars. As you pulled the hood over your head said, "Ok Will, we will go over there and wait on the roof of the inn for our target to walk below. I hope this will be easy." You said and grabbed Williams hand as he agreed. "Now how to get up there?" you said more to yourself but then felt warm arms around your waste and Will saying, "Hold on." as you listened to him, he jumped to the roof due to him being a reaper. "Thanks, Will." You turned around to face him and he replied to your thanks with, "My pleasure, Shadow." You smiled at him using your assassin name but turned around as you heard movement below. You looked at your watch that read 12:00 pm exactly on time, as always. You unsheathed your katana and was about to jump down when you noticed that the man had night vision goggles and was looking up at your hooded figure perched on the building. He drew a gun as you jumped down, Will following close behind. The target shoots but you were of course to fast for him, as you go to slice his gun the man dodges. Will catches him and holds a dagger to his neck, you then slice the gun clean in half. You see William smirk but then the man elbows him in the ribs and takes out a dagger and slashes only his sleeve and luckily not his arm. But you quickly knocked him out so he could do no more damage, you were breathing heavily and go over to William and look at him as he was holding his slashed arm. "Are you ok?'" you asked concerned and he replied, "Yes, he only got my sleeve. Are you alright?" You smiled and replied to his answer, "Yes, I am alright. Shall we go?" You turned around to leave but Will grabbed your wrist. He pulled you back into an embrace as your h/l h/c fell from the bun you had it in and fell perfectly around you. You looked deep into his eyes as he looked into yours. You got lost in his eyes and almost didn't realize he had said something, "I saw you gazing at me while driving, you really should be more carful." You smiled at this and replied, "Well maybe its really hard to concentrate when I had a very sexy man hugging my waste." You laughed a little and he got closer to your face, "I can do more than hug you, Y/N". You felt testy in that moment and wanted to play a little dumb so you said, "And what is that?" He chuckle a little and said in your ear, "Why don't I just show you?"  You were intrigued so you nodded in response. In that moment he kissed you, it was lovely and perfect in every way imaginable. The only light you had was the moon despite being in the city. It was everything you had ever imagined kissing him would be like, you never wanted to let go but you had to because both of your lungs were burning for air. "W-William, that was perfect." You said shyly looking away and he placed his chin on your head, and then kissed your head and said into your hair, "Just like you, in every way imaginable."  you blushed at his words as he inhaled your intoxicating scent. You buried your head into his chest and said, "As much as I hate to say this but, I believe we should go now." He then let go of you and replied, "As you wish." You looked at him in this perfect lighting as his hair was slightly damp still, but you knew it would fully dry by the time you got back. You both walked back to your motorcycle in silence and you got on as well as William as he held onto your waste again. You started the bike up and the LED's of course. You sped down the highway and off onto a back dirt road that led up to the secret entrance. You parked the bike once more when in the garage and got off the bike and took the helmet off, you immediately took William in your arms again and kissed him. This was even more passionate than before and you loved every second of it. You let him take the hood off of your head as your hair fell neatly around you again. You had to quickly pull away from the kiss as Grell burst into the room after unlocking it and hugged the life out of you. "Grell... can't b-breath." You stammered and had already been out of breath from the kiss. Grell surprisingly let go of you but not before kissing you on both of your cheeks as you blushed bright red as she said, "Oooh Y/N you look so cute when you blush." You got up and Sebastian and Claude were taking care of your weapon and bike, "Thanks Sebby and Claude, your so nice to do this for me." you smiled at them and they both replied, "Anything for you." Sebastian smiled and you went up to change in your room and take a shower.

After you changed and had a shower Sebastian took all our clothes to be washed and you went to Williams room. You knocked on his door and he opened it holding only a towel around his waste and you blushed and looked away stuttering, "Oh I-I'm sorry I just wanted to know if you wanted to go w-watch the meteor shower with me?" he agreed and you said you would meet him down there. You sat were all of you had sat earlier that day. Undertaker was actually already there and you sat down next to him saying, "Hey Undertaker, what you up to?" You casually asked as he looked at you and replied, "Oh hello there, I was just watching the meteor shower. Quite a site." he chuckled and put a arm around you as you gazed up at the stars with him. Will then came out and you ran up to him and pulled him over to sit with you, he sat down with you next to Undertaker and put an arm around you as you cuddled with him. He had wet hair again and it was very attractive. You slowly fell asleep in his arms as everyone else came out as well. 

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