The Whistleblower

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     You squeezed the soft pillow that you were holding as your eyes flutters open.
  "What on Earth!?"
You exclaimed as you saw Sebastian's bare chest right in front of your face. Sebastian chuckled and replied,
  "In the middle of the night you hugged me, then told me how hot it was and tried to take my shirt off."
You blushed as you recalled what had happened,
  "N-No I didn't."
You stuttered.
"Well it seems as you do remember."
You pushed away and rolled over and said into the pillow,
  "No I don't."
  "What ever you say."  Sebastian replied. You got up and put your robe on. And you also grabbed your phone from the nightstand. You then grabbed some clothes to change into out of the closet and went into the bathroom to take a shower. 

                    ~~~Time Skip~~~

    You walked out of the bathroom and Sebastian was no where to be seen, but you did smell bacon. You walked over to the window and looked out to see it raining.
  "Y/N, you might want to come look at the TV."
  You heard Williams voice come from the door way. You turned to look at him.
  You replied as you walked over to him and you both went down to the living room. On the TV you saw were there had been another murder. This murder happened right in the middle of the park. The thing was there was no foot prints in the mud and there was a hole in the victims heart but no weapon. The victims shirt was soaked from the rain and nothing to hint of any sort of evidence of who was the murderer or how to find him. Sebastian then called from the dinning room,
"Breakfast is served!"
All of you entered the room and sat down. You took out your phone and then looked up some facts about this murder. Thoughts were racing through your mind. 
    There is no possible way for this murder to have left not foot prints in the mud or any tracks. And what was the murder weapon? Nothing in this case makes any sense, why would anyone want to kill someone walking in the park?
     You decided to check your email and saw there was a new message from Malani Francis. You don't normally check emails from unknown people but this time your senses were telling you too. You opened up the email and it read,
    "I know the man you are looking for and what his plan maybe next. He is going to try and kill off the characters first. But you need to have a way to outsmart him. He has a way of killing people without leaving a trace. He will most likely use a bow and arrow and strike from a tree.
  Sincerely, Malani Francis."
    You looked up from your phone to see everyone looking at you.
"What is it dearie?"
  Undertaker asked. You listened when the reporter on the TV said,
  "The victim of this murder has been confirmed, Malani Francis."
Your eyes immediately went back down to the phone as you ignored Undertaker's question. The name on the phone still remained the same, Malani Francis.
  "A whistleblower"
You said as you ran into the living room. And everyone followed. Sebastian came up beside you, as did William. All the rest of them were huddled behind you. You watched the reporter on the screen say,
  "We still have no new information as of why the victim was killed or by who."
  You looked back down at the screen of your phone and you kept reading the name over and over again.
  "Well it seems we may have a lead on this case."
  Sebastian said while reading the email.
  "And a motive."
  William said, now also looking at the email as well as everyone else.
  "Darling, what does this mean?"
  Grell asked while looking over your shoulder.
   "This means I have vital information."
  You replied. And you actually had an idea of how exactly the murder has killed the person who gave you this information.
   Authors note:
For 20K reads I will be releasing some of my Grell cosplay photos! So if you would like to see that then keep reading. I'll do my best to update. Sorry this was such a short chapter.
   Sincerely, Author.

Tangled Dimensions (Black ButlerxModern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now