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I open my eyes and sit up, looking around. I didn't see Leona anywhere. I can't believe she left. I fell for her tricks. I was hoping that she would of at least stayed with me in bed. I get up and cover myself with the sheets. I was naked. I went to my drawer and got some clothes. I pulled out a red hoodie and black ripped leggings, not really caring what I'm going to wear today. I put on some knee high boots. I brush my hair and brush my teeth and left my bathroom.

Anya, my dog, was laying on the couch. She is a husky. She is a very smart and loving dog but is a good protecter. She smiled at the sight of me. I went to go and pet her. I put her leash on and her collar. She deserves to come out with her mom. "Come on Anya." I grab my keys and leave my house.

I get into my car, Anya jumping over to the passenger seat. I start it up as she looks out the window. I need to get back to the hideout and see how things are running. Since Elize is gone I want to be her eyes and ears. Also, I want to look for our doctor. She was missing. I assume that she got Adrian out of there. Once I got there, I parked my car and get out, shutting off the engine.

I grabs Anya's leash as she jumps to my side and gets out looking around excited. I never knew why dogs get so excited about everything. We walk inside the abandon hotel far from civilization. I see Leona talking to another woman with a serious face. I start to leave and see Alec? I thought he was locked up in the bunker. I turn to look at Leona. Shit. Leona must of let him out. Alec looks at me and walks my way.

I hope he doesn't know that I helped Elize. I told Elize where the bunker was. "Hey Harley. How are you?" He asks me. Phew. He doesn't know.

"Fine. How are things here?" I ask him, looking at Leona and back at him. "Could be better. Everything has gone downhill. Once we found out Adrian was here we needed to do something. We were going to kill him but he got away. That is why I called in Leona." Alec called in Leona? I never knew he was that close to Leona like that.

If I had to guess who would of called Leona would be her side chicks whom have been dead for ages now but, I never would of thought that Alec would be the one that would of called her in. "But, I can tell you one thing. Killing all of her men and Leah. It felt great." He grinned mischievously. He looked like he did the right thing. Leah is dead? "It's all thanks to Leona." I look at Leona.

She was done talking to that woman and was staring right at me. "I got to go." I leave in a hurry. I know that was going to raise his suspicion but right now, I need to be alone. My friends that were there with Blake, they're all dead. Poor Leah. Anya rubs against my legs, trying to console me. I pet her. Damn dog and her beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey." I turn around and see Leona before me. No on was around and I have wanted to do this for awhile now. All my anger that has been building up can now be released.

I slapped her right in the face. The impact made her face turn. She looks at me, but the reaction I was expecting didn't come. Instead, she looked at me amused. She pulls me close. "I love it when you are feisty." I roll my eyes. "I don't want you near me anymore Leona." That got her attention. Her smile fell as she looks at me, holding me tighter.

"What?" She looked at me heartbroken. I turn away from her, not being able to look into her eyes. "You heard me Leona. I don't want to see you again. We may cross paths since we both stay here but that's it. We don't have to talk to each other unless it's necessary." I start walking out to leave.

Leona grabs my hand and turns me around. "If you do this to me, I will tell everyone that your working with Blake." Anya growls at Leona. Leona hisses at Anya as she backs away, whimpering. "Stop it Leona. You know if you tell them I work for Blake they will kill me." I don't think she would. She cares about me and I know that Leona wouldn't want me dead.

She eyes me. "Your right. No matter how much I hate you I could never give you away." That stung. "But I can't let you rat us out anymore. You have to leave. For good." I didn't want to leave. Mostly because I've been here for a long time.

But their was nothing I can do. I nod. I turn away from her and start walking. I look back at her. She wasn't looking at me. She turned her head away from me. I clenched my fist as I felt tears coming. I drive to the only place I have a home now. That is with Blake and the others. "Hey Blake. I just got kicked out. I can't be your eyes and ears now." I tell her on the bluetooth.

"That is fine. You have done so much for me and I owe you so much. We are staying at Reds house." I knew they left their house because Leona destroyed it. "Okay I will be right there." I didn't know what I was going to do anymore. I look at Anya and she was whimpering. She was just as sad as I was. I park in front of Reds house. I waited.

I couldn't go in there. That is Reds house. She is already doing so much for Blake. I would be asking to much if I asked to stay there. Including my dog. I need to get out of here. That is when I see the door open and Red comes out. Oh shit. She comes to my window and I roll it down. "Hey." She had on a jacket on. It was cold outside. "Hey." Red looks inside my car and sees Anya.

"Hi Anya." She waves at my dog. She barks happily while wagging her tail. "So, you going to come in or?" I shake my head. "This is to much for you Red." She laughs. "I know what I signed up for. I need to protect all of you. You are my family." I smiled at her. "Okay. But what about Anya?" Red looks at Anya. "I always did want a pet." I shut off my car and open my car door. I hug Red tightly.

"You don't need to worry about me Harley." She says. I pull away from her. I got Anyas leash and put it on her. She gets out of the car. I shut the car door as I follow Red inside. I was engulfed in a hug by Blake. "I didn't think you were the sentimental type." We both pull away. "I'm not I just thought you needed it." I did. I really did. "Hi." Sophia came over to Blake. "It really is you." I hug her.

She freezes. I really did miss her. I pull away from her and she had an awkward look on her face. I wouldn't be surprise. She doesn't even remember me. "Come one Harley. Let's go and get something to drink." She starts making some tea.

"You got anything stronger?" I really did need to forget everything. About Leona. And the fact that Sophia is standing right in front of me. Red pours me a glass of bourbon. "Now, tell me everything you know." Blake says, sitting down. "Okay."

*Leona point of you*

I thought about Harley and everything that I said to her. I didn't mean to say I hate her. I really didn't. But she betrayed us. All of us. What does she want for us to do? To keep going on what Blake and them are doing? It's not fair, and the sooner that Sophia is gone the better. "Leona." I turn and look at Rey. "Yes?"

"I found where they are keeping Sophia." I smirk. Finally. It's going to be all over. "Good. Gather as many men you can. We can't let Blake get away. We need to finally put an end to it." She nods and walks out of the office. I'm sorry Harley. I hope you can forgive me.


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