The Lies That She Said

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Blake Romanov

I watched my fiancé peacefully sleeping. I caress her cheek. She smiles but doesn't wake up. I get up from bed completely naked. I go into my walk in closet and pick out something. I still needed to talk to Lexi. I change and walk out of my walk in closet and still see her asleep. I grab my phone off of my nightstand and check the time. 8:15. I leave our room quietly and start walking to Lexi's room.

"Blake." I turn around and see Ethan. I haven't seen him in awhile actually. "Ethan. What did you need?" I don't know why I still don't trust my siblings even though they have helped me a lot. But I'm always waiting for them to betray me. "I'm glad that I found you. Lexi's gang spotted Leona. She's here. I put the files in your office." But how could that be? How did she know where we are?

I mentally face palm myself. All the times that we went out, someone in her group must of noticed and told her. Shit. I wasn't even thinking. "Okay, I will handle it. Did they say where their hideout is?"

"Yes they did. They are hiding out in an abandon hospital." Abandon hospital? "Okay. Tell them to kill everyone inside. Make sure no one is left alive."

Okay. Hey, we don't have to go out or anything but maybe you, Nina, and I could spend time together. Like we use to. I miss that." He tells me. "Maybe." He nods and turns around to leave. I miss that to.

I shake my head. Okay, I was going to Lexi's room but now I have to do a little homework. I walk into the office and see the files. I sit down and open them up. Yep, there she was. Leona. There were pictures of her and some of her friends. I hope her men kill them all at the hospital. I can't deal with this anymore I want them all dead.

I grabbed out my pocket knife and stabbed the photo of Leona in her head. I lean back in my chair. I should go talk to Lexi. I wonder if she is up? She did help me a lot actually, including keeping the secret of how our hanging out didn't go as planned. I got up and left my office and start walking to Lexi room.

I finally got there about to knock but I stopped myself. I heard something that I would never believe that it was true. "I'm not working for you anymore Leona. I lied so many times. I care for Sophia and I'm not letting her go." I heard her hang up.

I backed away from the door. How am I going to tell Sophia this? She is going to be devastated. I left, deciding to not go in her room. If I tell her, Sophia will never be the same. Oh god, Lexi is with Sarah. Sarah will be devastated as well. My friend.

I bumped into someone, ready to curse at them when I seen it was Nina. "Whoah. What's wrong?" I pulled her into a room that was vacant. "I need to tell you something and you can't tell anyone."

"Okay." I was afraid to tell her. I don't want her to slip up. "Nina, Lexi is working with Leona." Nina didn't say anything. Her mouth was on the floor. "Are you sure?" She asks. "Of course I'm sure." Is her gang even going to kill Leona when I asked Ethan to tell them? "This is going to destroy Sarah and Sophia. What are you going to do about it?" Honestly, I didn't know.

"I don't know Nina." I was afraid to tell them. "Blake, if you don't tell Sophia or Sarah the truth and they find out some other way, it will be bad. It will be even worse when Sarah and Sophia find out that you knew all along." She was right.

"I don't want to hurt them." I tell her. "I know you don't. But it will hurt them more if you don't." I took a deep breath, trying to decide how to tell them. "I got to tell them somehow but I don't know what."

"Just get them in a room together and tell them." Why do bad things always happen to me and Sophia? "Okay." I can't beat around the bush I just have to tell them directly. "So, what are you going to do about Lexi?" That's right. What am I going to do about her? "I don't know yet. I just have to tell Sophia and Sarah first. Maybe I will make them a nice dinner. Yeah that's it. Then I will tell them."

"Thanks Nina." I leave Nina in the room going to prepare the dinner just for the two of them. Then, I will make their favorite desert." I can't believe I told all this to my sister. My sister. Oh well. I just hope she doesn't do anything to Lexi.


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