"The newly employed staff will be having a meeting with the boss, in like ten minutes." He checked his gold wristwatch.

"Yeap, ten minutes," He added with a nod.

"In his office, you know there right?"

"I do sir."

You don't, you just started working here today!

"Good." He turned and walked further into the building.

I sighed in frustration and turned back to my work.

"You don't know where his office is, do you?"

I turned to see a black guy on white long sleeves just like mine, but his first button was left open, giving me a curious stare.

"I swear, I don't," I answered, embarrassed by my lie's.

"When you leave this building, take the left turn, you will see a large building with the name event center, just walk in," He explained, with a smile that exposed his gap teeth.

Thank you, God bless you."

"Amen, why didn't you tell the supervisor you didnt  know the place?" He inquired, now standing in front of the desk. Up close, I noticed a tiny scar above his left eye.

I picked my handbag from underneath my table. "That guy looks ready to sack me."

"You are taking over my shift right?"

"Yes ma'am." He saluted with a grin. "I'm Chris by the way."


"I know and Good luck," He said, leaning with his back on the desk.

With Confusion written on my face I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. "I'm not going to write an exam, so why the good luck?"

"Just go," he mouthed and waved at me.

Stunned by his behavior, I walked out of the building, taking the directions given to me.


"You will all be taking turns to see the boss," The supervisor whose name I was not interested in knowing said.

I sat down next to a tiny looking girl with red wig, her lips moved like a grinding engine as she chewed a gum furiously.

"Good afternoon."

"Evening, sorry afternoon, I'm just nervous," She said, still chewing hard.

"Why? You may ask? I heard this guy is strict, he can sack you now," She explained, blinking her long lashes non-stop.

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

"I also heard he is hot." Ignoring my question, she continued her rant.

"Ok." I crossed my legs ready to end the conversation.

"Maybe it's too much money that made him wicked, rude, and strict, anyways that is what people said," She continued, counting her fingers as she spoke.

"And I heard he is not married,"  she added blinking her lashes again.

Grace, who send you to greet Miss parrot?

"Miss Ruth please," The supervisor called.

"That's me," Gum girl said, and stood with her purse clutched in her hands.

"Thank God," I murmmed watching her walked down the hall with the supervisor. I bend my head thankful at the departure of my seatmate.

"Miss Grace, please." The supervisor called out few minutes later.

I raised my head, fast enough  to catch a glimpse of gum girl walking out, chewing furiously with veins shooting on her face.

I stood from my seat and followed the supervisor into an office.

He motioned at me to knock, and walked away leaving me to face what or whoever was behind the door.

"Come in and lock the door behind you," came the firm voice.

"Miss Grace."

"Goo-" I stood with my mouth wide open, cut short by the figure in front of me.

Not him God, why him?

"Take a seat please,"  He said, staring at the computer in front of him.

"Good afternoon sir," I greeted, nervously praying to the God of my late parents that this man does not recognize my face.

"Receptionist, 23years old, not married, have a degree in accounting." He read out loud, his face still fixed on his computer.

"Yes sir," I answered, adjusting my straight wig to cover up my face.

"What are you doing?" He looked up, amazed by my action

I placed my sweaty palms back on my laps. "Nothing sir."

"Ok, Your qualifications are good, I will love to promote you."

"Sir?" I asked, staring at the young man from the club, same man who called me a prostitute last night

He wore a straight face, void of emotions, his black buttoned down shirt was folded at the sleeves. Unconsciously, I moved my eyes to his left finger which had no ring.

"I'm sorry, but I will prefer the job of a receptionist sir."

"Take my offer or leave my hotel," He said in a flat uninterested tone.

"What is my position?" I asked, a lot was on the line if I lost this job.

"My personal assistant."


"Are you deaf?" He asked, staring directly at me, I stared back and noticed his brown eyes lit up in humor, his lips wore a smirk as he relaxed on his chair.

He recognized me, he fucking recognized me!

"I'm not interested." I stood, irritated by his games.

"100 thousand Naira a month," He proposed.

"Plus you can work in your strip club during the weekends," He added, still wearing his smirk.

My legs lost it's ability to move, cementing me to the floor, while I strangled him mentally.

"I know you need the money."

"What makes you so sure?" I asked, hands akimbo.

"You would have walked out of the door like I did yesterday," He said, picking up a pen. He knew I was irritated by his presence, but most importantly, he knew I needed the money.

He took out a paper from his desk drawer, placed it on the desk and gestured me to pick it up. With little hesitation, I picked the paper.

"Read it, I need your response in ten minutes."


I took out a pen from my bag, and signed the paper without reading it. I needed this job, despite the fact I was tensed by his presence, I accepted his deal.


Loving A Stripper (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now