Chapter 7 (Edited)

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When push comes to shove, I will do anything to save them even if it means by sacrificing my life - Kei Kimiko.


The run to Biska Woods was intense for them. Sound of screams and cries filled the forest and the fog was surprisingly thick, I can barely see the road and Satotsu.

I was running beside Killua the entire time after Gon left to save Leorio from the pedophile. Before that happen, I was running behind the two boys by myself when I suddenly felt like I want to release my Ren. Hisoka's blood lust was terrifying and Emi was shaking the entire time.

Then, we heard Leorio screamed and Gon ran back to where the older teen was, leaving Killua and I. I then ran ahead to keep up with Satotsu because I did not want to get lost in the fog and also be animal food.

Satotsu then stopped on his tracks and looked behind to find Killua and I behind him without breaking a sweat. The fog started to disappear at that area and I felt myself being able to breath again. 'Damn you, Hisoka,' I cursed.

Satotsu congratulated us and smiled although I could not tell if he was smiling or not since he might not have a mouth. Few minutes had passed and the examinees started to arrive, all breathing hard and sweaty and some had collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

The examiner then told us that the second phase will be held in Biska Woods and he left but I knew too well that Satotsu will be hiding in the trees to examine us.

"Hey, Killua. There's Leorio!" I told him and pointed at the suited men who had a swollen cheek and was leaning against a tree. Killua and I ran to Leorio and my eyes lighten up when I saw a familiar wild boy and blonde beside him.

"Gon, Kurapika!" I cried their names and waved. Gon was the first person to return the gesture and cried my name. "Miki!" I stopped in front of them and started to check on Gon. "You're not hurt, are you?" I asked and turned him around to see if he has any injuries.

"I'm fine, Miki. You don't have to worry about me," Gon told me and I let out a sigh. "That's good," I murmured. "Hey, what about me? You're not worried about me?" Leorio yelled at me and I had to cover my ears from the yelling.

"Geez, old man. You're too loud," I said and smirked at the older teen. Leorio glared at me and his face looks like it was about to pop any soon. I heard Gon and Killua laughed at that while Kurapika chuckled.

"Why you little!" he growled and pounced at me to which I dodge easily. He was about to jump at me again when the doors were opened and it revealed two familiar people. One was a woman who looks badass while the other one was a giant with an enormous stomach.

Menchi and Buhara!


I retied my hair into a high ponytail as Menchi and Buhara started to make their introductions. A loud growl escaped from Buhara's stomach, making everybody sweat dropped at him.

"I'm hungry," he proclaimed and rubbed his large stomach. Menchi agreed with him before she turned to face us and started talking again. I did not listen to their talking as I wore an extra red fingerless glove in my other hand.

When I was all set, Buhara then told us that he wants pork in Biska Woods. "Okay," Menchi said and clapped her hands. "Let the second round begin!" and with that, everybody ran out of the building to find the pork. I placed two fingers in my mouth once I was outside and blew a loud whistle, loud enough for the examines and examiners to hear.

Most of them stopped and stared at me while I waited for my friends to arrive. A chirping voice was heard from the forest and I turned my head to find them. A dozen of birds came to me and a few animals such as raccoon and squirrels were there as well.

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