Upset and Horny

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(Liiiiiiiiiiitle bit of fluff - possible smut here. WARNING im not the best at these types of smut scenes IM SORRY)

I quickly sent Tobio another message saying I was staying at my "friends" house again.

Toru was quiet the entire way back to his place. I guess his ego out shines him during a game, so much that he becomes a bit of a sore loser.

" okay?" I asked genuinely concerned for him to act like Bokuto in his emo-mode.

"Yeah. I'm fine" he gave me a smile, which i immediately saw right through.

"Look Toru. I know when girls say their fine, they are not fine. I didn't think it was like that for boys, but right now, it is clear that you are NOT fine. If you don't open up, i can't help you! So just tell me what's up" I blurted out a salad of words and stared into his eyes looking for answers. Eventually, he sighed and gave in.

"Well i was upset because Iwa-chan didn't let me finish talking to you even though he knew i wasn't playing till the last couple of sets. Then I landed on my bad knew during a recieve and to top it all off, we lost because of that stupid freak-quick attack!" And it was obviously his turn to pass the salad.

"What were you going to say before the game?" I was fairly curious about his unfinished statement from earlier.

"Oh...I was going to say umm..."

A slight pigment of pink found it's way to the tip of his ears.

"I was going to say, when we win i think you and i should celebrate when we get back..." Toru moved his hand to the back of his neck. "And you were probably going to sat something like 'it's just a practice match' or whatever" he let out a soft nervous chuckle.

I took a moment to process everything he just opened up to. He actually told me why he was upset from before, during and after the game, and then truthfully telling me what he was going to say. Then i remembered what he meant by celebrate, i could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"W-what do you mean by celebrate?" just to clarify. Not because i want I?

Toru looked at me for a moment, his blush disappeared and his face now had a smirk plastered over it.

It was at that moment i knew, i fucked up.

"Oh? Curious are we Princess?" a simple tease, that was all it was.

"Maybe." Wow. Going bold, this isn't going to end well.

He started to lean toward me, causing me to fall - my back to the couch. One of his arms was on the side of the couch and the other elbow bent resting on the arm of the couch. This was highly intimidating and i was getting slightly aroused. shit

We lied there for a while, staring directly into each-others soul - but it wasn't uncomfortable. Toru slowly closed the gap between us, softly pressing his lips against mine. His lips were smooth and perfectly fit with mine - how ironic.

Needing air we pulled away from each-other, noses touching. Both a little flustered from that very soft make out session, Toru sat up and helped me to get up - even though i was basically sitting in his lap neither of us moved.

I looked away sheepishly, and kinda scared of what the fangirls would do if they found out about any of this 'me staying at Oikawa's for..' how long was he intending i stayed here for?

Before i could go any deeper in thought, i felt a soft kiss being planted on my neck slightly beneath the jaw line. I gasped, which caused me to wiggle my entire body as I whipped my head in Toru's direction. But to my surprise, he let out a muffled noise as he was still placing butterfly kisses over my neck.

Soulmate Song (Oikawa x FEM! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora