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~~Oikawa POV~~

After totally killing the performance and getting (y/n) to join in, I went to find her. I darted off the stage, a smile never leaving my lips as I ran through the crowd. I made it to an opening, i turned hoping to spot the (h/c) haired girl. After a few more frantic turns i saw her, being surrounded by my fan-club.

I went to get closer but soon froze, i saw Tobio-chan go up and save her from the only-wears-pink-on-wednesday club that all happened to be fans of mine. I stole a glimpse of my soulmate and rivals faces.

He was irritated and if you looked close enough, concerned. (y/n) looked frightened yet relieved.

I guess there was no point in going through the plan, she found someone, she found a special someone already. My vision began to blur as i continued to watch Kurasuno pull (y/n) away from the girls. I saw Iwa-chan and a few others from the volleyball team come into vision and guided me away from the scene.

I took a final look at them, my eyes widened. (A/n: Oooo what do you think he saw?)

~~Your POV~~~

After our song finished i knew i had to get away, and fast. I stood up with everyone else and rushed to the nearest exit to find that the Oikawa fan club had surrounded me.

"Hmph, who do you think you are?"

"Umm, an alien?" I joked it off hoping they would let me go. But then i remembered the fan clubs logo is an alien. well shit

"Your Oikawa's soulmate? He deserves so much better"

"Yeah, he is WAY too good for you"

Their words kept firing, i didn't do anything, i just stood there; I was completely defenceless.

"Too bad we are going to ruin you before you guys can properly become a couple"

That, however, threatened me. What exactly were they going to do? I slowly backed away from the group walking towards me with evil faces. Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist and a chin rested on top of my head. A very protective stance. I glanced to the side and saw Kurasuno's volleyball team glare at the girls, except for Noya and Tanaka - they were annoyed but their noses were bleeding due to the girls too-short-that-they-basically-don't-exist skirts.

"Tobio..." I breathed out in relief. I watched as the pink bitches backed off, scoffing.

"Disgusting. She has a boyfriend when her soulmate is over there looking very upset" the leader i assume, said loud enough for everyone to hear. All i could do was laugh.

I ended up confusing everyone who didn't know about KageHina, which was everyone in Aoba Johsai. I got back up onto my feet and sighed and i looked at Hinata who just arrived at the scene. He then rushed up to my brother screaming "THERE YOU ARE BAKAGEYAMA!" and before Tobio could scream 'hinata boke' the orange potato flew at Kageyama and planted a kiss on his lips.

Oh yeah. Kageyama is not MY boyfriend, he's HINATA'S

As everyone awkwardly watched the scene in front of them I searched for Oikawa, who was looking at the boys with hidden happiness. Seriously, popular pretty guys are so easy to read.

~~Time skip to when people began to leave~~

"IWA-CHAN WHERE DID YOU GO!?" across the room, a loud whiney voice boomed. I let out a small giggle, Oikawa was a child stuck in a teenage body.

Slowly, i waltzed over to the tall brunette. "Trashy-kawa" i let out another giggle as i greeted him. Looking up at him i could see his face was practically glowing.

Soulmate Song (Oikawa x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now