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When people began flooding the halls, I focused on the faint hum of a familiar tune. soulmate lives in my apartment building AND goes to my school?!

I groaned and placed my head on my desk as more evidence pointed to Oikawa. 

~~time skip brought to you by smiling brother Kageyama~~

The bell had gone, and it was officially lunch time. I decided I would head to the girls volleyball gym and play a bit. I don't usually play, since I'm the manager now. I walked in and changed into my (f/c) (preferred brand) shoes and spare sports clothes then set up the net. I grabbed the small trolley of brightly coloured balls and stood at the serving line. 

5...deep breath

4...bounce the ball


2...throw the ball up

1...and hit the ball

BAM! The ball hit the other side with power hitting the wall and making its way back to me at a much slower pace. I relaxed my tense muscles, I used volleyball as a get-away. I smiled briefly before doing it again, gradually gaining more and more power as the ball crossed over the net. 

Glancing at the clock, I noticed I only had ten minutes till the next lesson. Zooming across the court I picked up the stray balls and started to spike-serve them over towards the trolley. I managed to get some in but I had to quickly dismantle the net and put the rest of the balls away before putting on my normal uniform.

I rushed to the classroom and threw my body into my chair just as the teacher walked in.

~~time skip to the last minute of class~~

"Who is going to participate in Fridays soulmate event?" sensei asked, clasping their hands together. I looked around the class, almost everyone's hands were up. Their faces seemed to have mixed emotions, nervous and excitement being the most dominant of others. 

"What about you Yama-chan? Are you going to participate?" Hatsume's eyes were sparkling, it was as if God had decided to throw glitter in her big brown eyes. 

"No" I stated, I wanted nothing to do with it. It was forcing people to sing in front of others, I was not down for that.

"Why not?" Hatsu-chan pouted, she had never heard me properly sing my song, it was clear she was disappointed.

"Because I..." I paused if I said I thought I knew who it was, she would most certainly ask who, "I have stage fright" It wasn't a complete lie, I did dislike performing in front of large crowds.

"So do I. But that's not going to stop me from finding my SOULMATE!" she emphasised the word as if to say fear wouldn't stop love. But that's the thing, love/

What is love?

I questioned it a lot. Parents say it's a strong emotion you feel for others. That is true, but is that it? There's nothing more to is only a good thing. And all good things must eventually come to an end.

"(y/n)! Are you even listening?" Hatsume was waving her hand near my face, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"huh? No...sorry" 

She sighed with a slight annoyance. "I said, Oikawa is going to be singing – and trust me, he is not surprisingly talented. Too bad his song doesn't match mine." She carried on and whined a little but nothing out of the ordinary.

"I'll go to the event, but I'm not participating" 

DiD I JuSt SaY tHaT?!

"REALLY?!" I nearly went deaf from her squeals and then she gasped really dramartically, "What if you FIND YOUR SOULMATE?!" Hatsume was bouncing off the walls. While I sat there, completely dead panned – I said I would go, but not take part. Why did I say that?

Soulmate Song (Oikawa x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now