Trash Team

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A/N: Don't forget that you are a 2nd year... while Oikawa is a 3rd

Monday was finally over. "ah! YAMA-CHAN!" I turned to see Hatsume, "How did you talk to Oikawa that way? That was...something!"

"Oi!" a brunette walked towards the two of you.

"Trashy-kawa" you greeted with the famous tobio-glare.

"Your Tobio's little sis aren't you."

"What made you say that?"

"I asked people who you were and they referred to you as Kageyama-san"

"Hmm..okay. Bye!" And i walked away. I heard a very masculine 'tsk' and light strips heading my direction. Hatsume was looking at me wide eyed.
"You can talk to him with so much sass!! I am jelly!" She used her hands with some wild gestures to support her nonsense rambling the while way to the closer home, hers.
"BYE YAMA-CHAN" the door closed and i finally had peace. So i absent mindedly sang.
"Puttin' my defences up...
'Cause I don't wanna fall in love...
If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack"
~~with oikawa somewhere~~
"Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right girl
(Girl fits better soz)
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough"
~~~you ~~~
When I don't care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll
Won't wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a basketball
But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels, yes you
Make me so nervous, that I just can't hold your hand"
I realised how loud i was singing, i just got so into the song i guess i got more passionate.
I hurriedly unlocked the door to the house i called home. "I'm back!" I yelled as if someone was going to answer.
I lived alone. I have for a while. Mum lives in (random country) for work and dad died when i was eight... but I'm happy enough to still have mum every now and again. She tries to visit at least once every two months.
A small meow was heard from the kitchen. "Latte? Did you get into the cat food again?!" I dropped my bag and wondered to the kitchen.
There, had stuck on cat food, was my favourite small black feline companion, Latte.
When he was a kitten i used to call him small bean, but as he grew a little i started calling him Latte.
I sighed and went to my room, the thing with soulmates love song thing is that there's no music. I like to open my laptop and attempt to find music that could potentially fit. Although, i gave up and started creating my own sound for the lyrics, the parts i knew anyway.
~~~Oikawa POV~~~~~ohohooo
"Tsk..." i walked away from the female duo and headed back to practice. There wasn't set practice today, i just wanted to be as good or even better than Iwa-chan.
Ball after ball. Each landing outside of the court.. usually if i can't concentrate and have the weird feeling of wanting to sing, jus because my soulmates singing.
Honestly the whole soulmates thing is stupid, never said i wouldn't want to find my perfect duet. But still, not being able to choose who you love even if they were your soulmate. I sang anyway.
"Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right girl
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I'm never good enough..."
The way it sounds is that I'm always getting into relationships. Which I'm not, but every girl loves me. I mean, who wouldn't? In the most gorgeous and talented in Aoba Johsai.
I realised that i no longer had an urge to sing. A little disappointed that my soulmate has stopped singing also i went back to my serving practice.
~~after several hours of volleyball ~~
Finally home. I need a face full of food and a beauty sleep, i face this pretty can't have bags under their eyes.
I scanned the items in the fridge and came across left over milk bread. "Score one for the grand king!" I shivered, "did i really just say that?" I put the milk bread in my mouth and sat in the lounge.
Before i could turn the tv on, i heard someone play a few notes and stop before repeating. At first i ignored it. But then it came back as a full verse of musical notes.
Once the sounds became more smooth, i heard a gentle and lovely voice sing along.
"But you, makes me wanna act like a girl...
Paint my nails and wear high heels.."
i paused. That melody.. the sound of the song. It couldn't be.
It was my song.. or our song since we're soulmates. But that didn't matter. What mattered was that my soulmate was in the same apartment building i stayed in and was creating music for her part of the duet.
I wanted to run to where the music was coming from. Wanting to talk to her and sing along. Hearing the sing as a whole was what i wanted ever since i could sing what i knew.
But alas, my body only took me to my room and made the rest of my body collapse onto the bed. I dozed off thinking about my soulmate and her surprisingly angelic voice.
That is, until the alarm signaling to get up, woke me. I groaned, it's Saturday- why The hell its my alarm on?!
I drifted back to sleep. This time I happen to be woken up by my stomach.
I figured i would do a morning run and grab a bite to eat at a café i liked. I lazily trudged to my dresser and changed into some casual work out clothes. Following the routine to the bathroom, carefully styling my mousy locks and washing my face.
Grabbing a back pack i usually take to the gym and adding in a clean towel and my wallet, i sling it over my shoulders and headed out.
And bumped into a girl. That kageyama girl or whatever.
~~~~your POV~~~~~
I was heading out for a late morning jog before i bumped into someone
"OMG I AM SO SOR-" i looked up "Oh.. its you. Eww i made contact with the grand king." His brown eyes made me want to gag.
"That's not nice bakageyama-san!" His wining reminded me of a child.
Wait...WHAT?! Ew nooooo. I did not just think that
I regained my posture, simply jogged past him. Only to find he was doing a morning jog to.
"Which way are you going?" I asked.
"Why? Want to come with me?" He laughed at his own flirtatious manner.
"No, so i can avoid you." The monotone in my voice didn't change.
"Ouch. I'm heading to the café on (street name)" and he jogged to the left.
So u can stay far away from him, i jogged to the right.
I'm going to have to go to Ukais store for breakfast then. The only other place i don't mind...ugh better get in the mood for running that far.
I put on my headphones and played a random soundtrack. After 35 minutes of nonstop running i had made it.
"Osu.." i said, panting slightly. I walked around. I grabbed an iced coffee and snatched some meat buns. After paying i simply just say on a bench completely exhausted.
"(Y/n)?" I lifted my head to see a familiar raven haired boy.
"Hey Tobio.." my voice still full of breaths from the run.
"What are you doing here?"
"breakfast" motioning towards the still untouched food i bought.
"But what about that café you said you liked the other day?"
"That oikawa dude is there."
My brother gave an understanding look. We talked for a bit and i had eventually finished my breakfast.
I was still too tired to run back so i stuck with tobio for a bit.
"I'm meeting some friends for volleyball practice. You wanna tag along?"
"Sure" i always has energy for volleyball.

Soulmate Song (Oikawa x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now