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I hesitantly made my way over to the corner of the room, placing my bag down. I looked back up to see Oikawa taking off his shirt, i got use to it- with volleyball practice and all. So i continued my way to the bed and collapsed in the middle.

I took a deep breath and inhaled the scent that? Lavender?

Before i could think anymore of it, a large amount of weight was put on top of me. To lazy to care, i let it slide - i sleep with a weighted blanket anyway.

"Hey n/n-chan~" Toru's sweet voice talked into my ear. "I can't sleep" i couldn't see it but i can tell you he is pouting.

"Hm, maybe you should get off of me and get into a more comfortable position then, huh?" I said with my eyes closed ready to sleep, it was friday night- I'M GETTING MY SLEEP.

He grumbled a bit before getting off me, rolling me to the side and laying down on his soft sheets. He wrapped his arms around me carefully, as if i was glass and fragile. Oikawa gently nuzzled into the back of my neck.

I fell asleep like that.

~~Space Jump~~

I woke up to the smell of bacon.

I looked sleepily to the other side of the bed to see it empty. Groaning a bit, i sat up and picked up my phone. 10;30am...

Stumbling down the hall to the spare room, i got a nice warm scented hug from hot chocolate. Which boosted me a little bit.

I looked through all the clothes and pulled out some jeans and an over-sized teal shirt. looking in the mirror it didn't look to bad, but i decided i would tie a knot in the front of the shirt - so i did. Looked cute enough.

I started to de-tangle my bed head that looked a lot like Nekoma's captains natural hair. Or was it his bed head that he was too lazy to gel down so he just brushes it up?

Once that was done i made my way to the kitchen, where the smell of bacon/cheese omelettes (add extra if you want) engulfed me. The rich chocolate cocoa drink filled my brain.

"Good Morning N/n-chan!" Oikawa's cheery voice greeted.

"Morning!" I greeted back, "When did you get up?"

"Nine ish"


"pretty much"

He laughed at my behaviour and plated the delicious food that awoke me. "Here" Oikawa gestured me to sit and continued to plate his own food.

"Thank you Oikawa!" I waited for him to sit down before eating



"Just, call me Toru" He repeated.

"Okay then...Thank you Toru" The setter smiled and we both began to eat.

~~After Brekkie~~

"Gotta say, not too bad for an athlete" i giggled softly

"What do you mean 'for an athlete'?"

"Usually, stereo typically i should say, you athletes buy a meal or get someone else to make something for you. But that's just a representation of what you do" I wave it off, hoping not to make a big fuss of it.

"Oh" was the response i got. "Hey since its you want to come to our practice game against Kurasuno later today?!"

"Sure. That way i can go home with Tobio after." I smiled.

Toru looked down, he seemed upset.
"Unless, you want me to stay longer?" I questioned gaining his attention.
His head snapped up and nodded vigorously. I laughed at his child like behaviour.

~~game time ~~

After getting off the bus with the team, Oik- Toru came up to me.

"You better cheer for us. Because when we win.."


Tōru was interrupted by his best friend Iwaizumi. The setter left clearly upset that he wasn't allowed to finish what he was going to say.

I walked into the stands to watch the match. When Tanaka and Noya saw me..

" Y/N!!!!!!!!"

I sweat dropped and sighed, here we go again.

But that's when i witnessed the most interesting thing.

Just as the oikawa fan club walked in, Tōru glare at the chaotic second years
"Stay away from her"

The pair of reckless players made a run to Daichi.

When the game started oikawa wasnt allowed to play, over working himself led to him damaging his ankle.

But when he stepped on that court, when it was his serve.

He stole a glance at me before throwing the ball and running. Tōru slapped the ball across court and wow.

The gymnasium went quiet, before oikawas personal cheer squad squealed.

It went on like this for a while.. but then hinata was in the front row.
Shame, oikawa thinks he's going to win..

They lost, close though. I made my way down to the teams. I high fived Tobio before going to oikawa.

"Thats what happens when you get to cocky" i laugh, but then realise how upset he was over losing

"'ll win the next time you guys play"

Soulmate Song (Oikawa x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now