four | a past shared

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London, England

The specter of Aurelia Martin of wandered down the streets of 18th century London, hood drawn over her head so as to hide her true nature should the sun break through the early morning fog

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The specter of Aurelia Martin of wandered down the streets of 18th century London, hood drawn over her head so as to hide her true nature should the sun break through the early morning fog.  All around her the city was coming alive, but she felt as frigid as ever.

She never felt colder than when she was hunting for a meal.

She and Dilara had made a temporary home for themselves in a derelict cottage out in the wilderness surrounding the great city in hopes they would go unnoticed by the humans that resided there for a time.

They had been almost constantly on the move since the slaughter of their sire and captor almost two centuries prior, never settling down for fear of discovery by any of their harem sisters that had survived Siobhan's rampage.

Betrayal wounds deeply, and no one held a better grudge than an immortal with all the time in the world.

This caution was more for Dilara's sake than hers. Aurelia's ghost knew that if she ever saw Irri or any of the other brides again she would tear them apart, no questions asked.

She had already shown them all of the mercy she was capable of.

As she fought against the wave of horrors long past, she saw a haggard man stumbling drunkenly down the street ahead. A young woman, no older than fourteen, and a midwife's apprentice if the smell coming off of her was anything to go by, was hurrying down the cobblestone sidewalk.

Towards the drunk.

She needed not the gifts of a seer to know what would happen next. The last two centuries had taught her much of the ways of men, monster and human alike. They seemed no more able to control their basest nature than she.

The man reached out, slurring, but Aurelia was already on top of him, dragging him into the alley and out of the girl's sight before her human mind could understand what was happening.

She watched from the shadows, her hand crushing her prey's windpipe as the girl shook her head once in confusion before seeming to dismiss what she thought she had seen.

"Get it together, Maggie." She berated herself as she continued on down the street.


She turned her attention back to the thing struggling weakly in her unbreakable grasp.

With her free hand she tugged down her velvet hood, and took a sick sense of pleasure in seeing the man's eyes widen further, almost impossibly, with terror as she revealed her crimson eyes to him. Had she the time, she might have played with him a bit, but already the city was growing louder, a cacophony of sounds ringing all around her.

She loosened the death drip on his throat, and he had just enough time to call out a hoarse plea for help, that ultimately went unheard, as her steel teeth ripped into his jugular.

THIN BLUE LINE ☞☞  CHARLIE SWANWhere stories live. Discover now