Chapter Six: A Call From Home

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Disclaimer: I do not own rights to these characters or Star Wars.


When we arrived at the temple, Obi-Wan was waiting for us.

"Congratulations on your first successful mission back General Brodi." Obi-Wan bowed.

"Master Kenobi, it's a pleasure to be back. Although, you might think it took both of us to do this mission. Anakin did it almost entirely by himself."

"If it wasn't for Amara, I wouldn't be here. She saved me from General Grievous." Anakin insisted.

"Either way, you guys completed the mission and were back faster than anyone else would've been able to." Obi-Wan smiled. "Amara, may I borrow you for a second, please?"

"Sure, Master. Anakin I will catch up with you later."

My room in 20 minutes? Anakin responded.

Sound's good, see you soon, my love.

"Okay, Amara. I will see you around." Anakin nodded and walked off. I followed Obi-Wan down the hall.

"Master Kenobi, am I in trouble for something?" I asked worried that maybe he knew about Anakin and me.

"Please call me Obi-Wan. We are friends Amara, no need for pleasantries."

"Okay, Obi-Wan. Is everything okay?"

"Actually, Amara everything is great. I just wanted to talk to you about Anakin."

"Oh, okay..." My voice trailed off wondering what Obi-Wan was going to say.

"I can feel Anakin's attachment to you grow stronger every day. He cares for you very much Amara."

"Yes, we are very close. I would say he is my best friend."

"That is what I am worried about Amara. Attachments are a path to the dark side."

"Yes I know master, but we are just friends. We would never break the Jedi code." I responded, my mind was racing. Did Obi-Wan find out about us? How could he have?

"I am not worried about you Amara, it is Anakin I am worried about. The dark side continues to get stronger day by day in the force. I just wanted to know if you sensed anything around him?"

"No, master. He is the same Anakin he has always been." I smiled thinking about sweet Anakin. He was full of love, much more than he could hand out.

"That is all I needed Amara, you are dismissed. If you feel anything or have any concerns please feel free to find me and talk to me."

"Thank you, Master." I bowed and headed to Anakin's room. I knocked on the door and he answered quickly.

"Well, that was quick." I giggled and Anakin didn't respond. Something was wrong. "Anakin?"

"What did my master want?" Anakin was deep in thought. I could tell he was worried.

"He was just worried about you. Saying he could feel your attachment to me. Nothing to be worried about." I put my hand on his face.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm one-hundred percent positive." I pulled his face down to mine and gave him a kiss. "We are going to be okay. I promise."


Amara, Please help me! My brother was screaming out to me. I could feel his pain. It was horrible, something I had never felt before. He was being beaten to death, by something or someone. He needed help and I was the only person left to help him.

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