You and I know (How the heartaches come and they go)

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If you had told Rey that she would see all three of her exes the weekend of her son's wedding a week ago, she would not have believed you. 

If you had also told her that she would be crying her eyes out in a bathroom stall, looking like and absolute mess, just a day before said wedding, she would not have believed you either. 

Yet here she was. 

She had sworn to never cry over a boy; deeming it was too pathetic for someone like her. Someone who finally escaped all the crap from her childhood did not deserve to go through more hardship as an adult. Yet she couldn't escape the sobs that came gurgling out of her throat. She was angry, and miserable because of it all. Angry with Finn, Poe and Ben for showing up uninvited, angry with the fact that she had been so cruel to the three of them, despite how polite they had been. But most of all, she was angry with herself, because despite how badly Ben Solo had broken her heart, she couldn't bear to be angry with him for long. 

A long while ago, when Anakin was just a toddler with an unruly mop of black hair, she decided to forgive Poe and Finn. Her two flings with them had not lasted a week combined. She deemed them forgiven, and decided that if fate were to bring them back to her for some reason, she would find it in herself to become friends with them. Ben Solo however, would never be deserving enough of her friendship. 

Back when they were still dating, Ben had told her of a man named Snoke, that would solve all of their financial problems. He assured her that if he went to work under Snoke's supervision, he would be able to buy her the best clothes, the biggest house, and anything her heart desired. He even promised to buy her the largest diamond engagement ring. 

Yes, Rey and Ben were to be engaged. Rey's heart still fluttered at the sadness of it all.  Maybe if she went along with everything, the two of them might have been happy. But deep in her heart, she knew the truth. She would not be happy, because her heart did not desire such riches. Her heart only desired him. 

She tried to explain this to him, telling him that she didn't need anything more that what she already had, because he could give her what no amount of money could buy. A family. 

But he didn't listen. He was too stubborn and set in his ways; maybe he truly believed that he could please her with the promotion. 

So he left. 

And she would never forgive him. 

And a couple of weeks after his departure, she found out that she was pregnant. There was no way that she could tell who was the father, because she met all three men at the same time, but despite all the pain he caused her, she secretly hoped that it was Ben. 

This wish became all the more wished upon when she bumped into Leia at the supermarket when she was seven months pregnant. Leia just muttered a compassionate "Oh honey." under her breath and invited Rey to stay with her and Han. Rey tried to explain that she did not want to take advantage of her hospitality since she did not know who the father was, but Leia was insistent. Rey was even more thankful for Leia when she went into labor. Since there was no hospital on the island, and the doctor was always busy, Leia had helped her deliver her son. 

She thanked whoever brought Leia into her life over a million times, and swore that she would do anything to repay the older woman. The same could not be said for her son. He was the reason she cried for years after Anakin's birth, under her covers after putting her son to sleep, and he was the reason she was crying now. 

Rey did not know how much time passed since she entered the bathroom to have a quick cry, but it sure seemed like a while, especially when she heard Rose and Jessika's voices ring through the bathroom door. 

"Rey? Honey? Are you in there?" Jess' voice called out first. 

Rey tried to muffle her sobbing, but only cried harder. 

Her friends came into the bathroom and found the stall she was in. Rose encouraged her to unlock the door so that they could talk. Rey obliged. 

But the minute the door was unlocked, and she found herself staring in the eyes of her two best friends, she felt weaker than ever. She tried to stand up from the seat, but collapsed into Rose's arms, staining her shirt with tears. Rose just hoisted Rey up so that the two were standing, with Rey leaning onto Rose's shoulder. The three women walked over to the sinks. 

Jessika offered Rey some tissues, and motioned for the crying woman to start talking. 

"It's really nothing guys," Rey began, "I'll be okay." She tried to muster a smile with some fake confidence. 

"It's clearly not nothing if you can't smile properly. C'mon Rey-Rey, spill. We'll fix it together." Rose persuaded. 

Rey sniffled some more and took a deep breath. 

"You know how I told you guys about Anakin's dad? I was so sure that it was Ben, and I really wanted it to be him. Now I'm not so sure." 

Her friends were clearly interested, and motioned for her to continue.

"There were three guys around the same time..." Rey began, only to be cut off by Jessika. 

"You shady lady!" 

"Anyways," Rey continued, "They're all here. I don't know how, but I saw all three of them today in the old goathouse. I don't know what to do." 

But Rey's friends were not listening to her dilemmas. They were solely focused on one thing. As if in sync, the two women blurted out the same thing. 

"The old goathouse!?" 

Before Rey could stop them, the two women took off running in the supposed direction of the goathouse. 

Great. Just great. 

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