A man like that is hard to find (But I can't get him off my mind)

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Ben Solo looked up from his computer, eyes glassy from the screen. His assistant, Mitaka, was waving a hand in front of his face, trying desperately to snap him out of his thoughts.

"What could possibly be so important, Mitaka?" Ben reached across the table in attempts to grab the delicate looking paper in his assistant's hand.

He yanked it out of Mitaka's grasp, crumpling it slightly. His eyes scanned the letter and it's contents ever so quickly, only doing a double take when he looked at the sender's name. He let out a small gasp, and the room seemed to freeze as he softly muttered one short syllable.


Time did not stop for long though. Before Mitaka could utter a word, Ben Solo was out the door, jacket slung over his shoulder, shouting something about "taking a few personal days to fly to Greece."

He didn't even take his briefcase.


"Rey this place is absolutely gorgeous!" Jess swooned. The three of them were now in the main lobby of the hotel, walking to Rey's room.

"I just hope its good enough for the wedding," came Rey's meager reply. "I just don't want to disappoint Anakin."

"Oh hush now, you know that boy loves you, you have done more than you know for that boy." Rose countered, a sweet smile on her face.

Rey just nodded, acknowledging Rose's words, although she did not believe them. Being left in a foster home does wonders for your self-confidence, reducing it to nothing. She would not let her self-hatred and negativity get in the way of this weekend though, she swore to herself. Anything to make her son happy.

"I just can't believe he's going to leave me, that's all."

"Come on mom, I would never leave you, not even in a million years." came the voice of her son, walking towards her.

Rey smiled at him, and walked over to her son, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I know Ani, same goes for me."

If only your father could say the same for himself.


"Hey! Wait!" 


The ferry had pulled out of the harbor, the captain grinning at the two men desperately chasing it. 


"Jerkface? Seriously dude, what are you, 12?" 

"Sorry, sometimes my temper gets the better of me." The man reached his hand out to the other. "I'm Ben Solo." 

"The name's Finn." 

Ben looked the man up and down, noticing the large guitar case the man - Finn, was carrying on his back. 

"You in a band, Finn?" 

"Yeah, something like that. When does the next ferry leave? There's a wedding I need to be at."

Ben looked at the smudged ferry schedule. 

"Next Wednesday. Looks like we'll have to find another way to the island. I'm going to the wedding too, the groom's mother invited me." 

Ben pulled out the invitation from his coat pocket, comparing it to Finn's. Sure enough, it was the exact same one, with the same letters, printed neatly in calligraphy. From what he remembered though, Rey was never one to focus on writing neatly. She always ended up writing in chicken scratch, but maybe she improved over the years, learning from his old hobby. 

"Well mate, looks like we're in the same boat. Why don't we go see if there's a hote-"

"Did you lovely gents say you were in need of a boat?" A sharp voice cut of Finn's words, and the two men turned around to face another man, closely followed by an overly enthusiastic retriever. The man approached them, grinning.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I may have overheard you conversation. It just so happens that I'm headed to the same wedding as you two, and I also happen to own a boat!"

"Are you for real!?" Was Finn's reply. Ben could hardly believe the guy. He barely knew the man, not even his name, and yet he was already fangirling over the prospect of a boat ride. He rolled his eyes, sighing. 

"Why should we even trust you? We don't even know your name." 

"Glad you asked, pretty boy! I'm Poe Dameron, and this," he pointed to the dog, "is BB-8, but you can call 'er BB." 

"Great! Any friend of Rey is a friend of mine!" replied Finn, yanking Ben's arm and dragging him on the sailboat. 

Ben rolled his eyes for the fortieth time that day, and reminded himself of the one reason he came on this damn trip. 

To see her again. 

The love of his life. 

Rey Niima.

Hopefully this time, he told himself, I won't screw this up

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