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He was running and running but they still caught up to him. In three simple maneuvers, the historian was down in the floor with a gun pointed at his temple.

"You have to stay here," the man in black said firmly. "You have trespassed our property and saw something that was confidential."

"I'm sorry," the other man answered. "I-I didn't know." The man in black only shook his head in response. After a few moments of silence, "Now, you have to join us or you will be never be able to leave this place."

The historian didn't know what to do but then he remembered his family, his only reason to live.

"I'll join in one condition."

"You are in no position to negotiate but fine. Let's hear it," the man in black answered begrudgingly.

"Make sure you only punish me, don't let my family suffer for what I have done."

The other man smirked and said, "We'll see."

One Summer With You (A Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now