Part Twelve

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"Rose? Where are you?" I shouted once I walked into my house and saw nobody. She shouted back that she was upstairs so I walked into my room and saw her lying on my bed with her phone. I quickly did my night routine and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't because Rose kept giggling about something.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to sleep" I mumbled. "Oh I'm just texting the guy I met today", she replied "He's really cute." "Awe that's nice! Am I going to meet him? But can you be a little more quiet? I'm trying to sleep!" I explained. She didn't respond and also stopped giggling so I guess she wants to let me sleep now. Just as I was drifting into my dream world I heard her say "Soon. You'll meet him really soon."


I can't wait anymore. I just want to start with my plan right now but I can't yet. Carter texted me some of Sammy's dirty secrets so I can use them against him too. I'm so excited! Why can't it be tomorrow already?

KAITLYNN POV (in the morning)

I was woken up by Rose's voice. "Kate wake up! Someone has been ringing the door for like 5 minutes! And this is your house so I'm definitely not going to open!" She shouted and took my blankets away from me because it's the easiest way  to wake me up. "Chill! I'm awake!" I shouted and got up. I looked at the clock. 10 am. Ugh it's way to early for me. I walked downstairs and opened the door.

The annoyed look on my face quickly changed into a big smile once I saw the person that woke me up. "Good morning babe! Sorry did I wake you up? Well you're still in your pj so I guess I did. I know you're having a girls day with Rose today but I still wanted to bring you breakfast and eat with you. But only if that's okay with you. And don't worry I'll leave once we finished eating." He said. "Morning Sammy! Oh I'm actually happy that I'm awake now. You can eat with us for sure. I'll just get dressed first." I replied.

As he nodded I ran upstairs and told Rose that Sammy would eat with us. She seemed kind of annoyed. I wonder why? Whatever. I threw on some random outfit and did my makeup and hair. "You can go downstairs already I'll come down in a bit!" Rose said and smiled. But I have a weird feeling that her smile wasn't real. So I asked her "Are you okay?" "Uh yeah I am!" She replied. I just shrugged it off and walked downstairs.

"Sooo what are we eating?" I asked Sammy as I sat down next to him. "Do pancakes sound good? I also bought us some Starbucks!" He responded. I nodded and smiled. "But before we start eating I want to do this" Sammy said. He stroked me cheeks and kissed me. It was perfect. Like literally perfect.

"Ew get a fucking room!" Rose shouted to us as she came down. "Kate can we talk alone please? It won't take long Sam" She said. I just nodded and followed her into the living room.

"Weren't we gonna have a girls day today? You promised me since you've only been hanging out with that dick Sammy! And now I come downstairs and you're making out with him again! Do you even really know him? And do you still know that you have a best friend aka me?" Rose said angrily. Wow I can't believe her. "What the fuck? What's your problem with Sammy? He is not a dick he's the nicest guy I've ever met! I spend all my time with you and now I finally meet someone and want to spend time with him but you want me all for yourself? Why aren't you happy for me?" I shouted.

"He's not how you think he is! Trust me! I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you to get hurt." Rose replied with a sad look on her face. "Why? What did he ever do to you?" I asked her. "Don't be mad okay? Well it all started at the photoshoot..."

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