I look back one more time. 

And Mrs. Gates groans. Her scream is deep, from a place of excruciating pain. Blood explodes from her mouth, covering one of the women approaching her. She ducks off to the side. Blood shoots from her lips and she collapses onto the body. 

And then....




People are running in every which way, except in the direction of the lifeless body in Mrs. Gates arms. She screams and gargles through the blood, begging for someone, anyone to rid her of this burden. To save her. To end her suffering. I can't look away. 

And then...

I bolt. 

I make it all of two feet before the swarms of students start moving too. I get pushed to the left, to the right and then down. But I don't fall. Somehow I regain my balance and push off running away from the craziness. 

My (now former) principal tries to regain control.

"Please, everyone, remain ca-" But the masses knock into the stage, tossing the podium on it's side and sending the microphone into a screeching frenzy. People cover their ears, the noise high uncomfortable amid the screams and cries of kids and parents alike. 

I pause to cover my ears and am immediately knocked over. I push off from the turf, rubbing my head when I hear a strong voice finally take control. 

"Parents! Please evacuate the field and move towards the parking lot. Students! Please make your way to the new gym." Police Chief Iyer stands in command, megaphone in hand. "We will be releasing students one by one to their respective families. We invite anyone who witnessed anything to step forward by calling the station with any information you may find helpful to us. Class of 2020, I am unbelievably sorry that your ceremony has been plagued by this tragedy."

Our principal stands. "We will plan another ceremony, later this month to make up for this unexpected occurrence. Now, everyone, please listen to our chief and follow his instructions."

I brush the turf off of my arms, shutting my eyes tight. Hoping, just hoping this is just another bad dream. Another nightmare. That as terrified as I am right now, this is just another instance of me burning in a box. Just another unconscious image. I take a deep breath, I pinch myself, but nothing is working. And I know it's real. 

- - - - - - - - -

We all sit in the gym. No one says a word. Everyone is scrolling through twitter, facebook, even instagram, hoping for an update. An update that explains the madness, that makes sense of what we just witnessed. 

One by one we are released. 

"Scarlett Hirsch." People look up at the sound, but instantly return to their searching. I silently make my way down the bleachers and across the gym floor. My chemistry teacher greets me at the doors of the gym and leads me out to the parking lot where my family awaits me. 

- - - - - - - - - 

My mother is the first to hug me. 

"Oh, Scarlett, I'm glad you're okay. You are okay right?"

I force a smile and nod, not making eye contact. My eyes are tired, my body is weak. I just want to go home. 

"Are you sure?" She presses. 

I clench my fists, not wanting to make a scene. After all, she's just trying to make sure I'm okay. And I am. At least, I think I am. I guess I'm as okay as one can be after losing their best friend and then watching their mom explode into blood during a graduation ceremony while holding a probably dead body. So maybe, I'm okay-ish. But I am tired and I do want to go home. Desperately. 

My family gathers around me, wrapping me in a big group hug. 

"Guys, really, it's okay," I try to fight, but they persist. "Please," I say through clenched teeth. My father stiffens, he can feel my tension, I know he can. 

"Okay, everyone, let's let her breathe," he says, his voice bringing me solstice. 

Thank you, I mouth as they all back away. 

He smiles and winks at me. From my side, he slips his hand into mine and gives me two squeezes. Just as he did when I was little and afraid to go on rollercoasters, just as he did every first (and second, and third) day of school. Just as he did when Molly died. Just as he did when I opened my college acceptance letters. And now today. 

"Okay, welp, I think we're going to cancel our dinner reservations and just take Scarlett home," he tells the Hirsch's. They all look at me with sad eyes, but nod, knowing it's for the best. 

After a sea of "thank you for coming"s and "I'll miss you too"s my small, immediate family climbs into our car and heads home. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

When I get home, my mom offers to make pancakes. I try to politely decline, itching to get into my bed. 

"You leave in less than two weeks, honey," she says, tears evident on the horizon. And she's right. I was accepted into an accelerated program which meant I'd be leaving this town sooner than the rest of my classmates heading off to college. "Besides, I made a scrapbook for you."

"I'll even make bacon since I'm not the arts and crafty type," my dad adds. 

I stop fighting them. I smile. I breathe.

"Okay, but only because of the bacon."

And despite having a day from hell, despite having God knows how many panic attacks, despite one of the best days of my life turning into a solid top 5 worst day contender, we eat breakfast for dinner. Laughing, looking at pictures. Being a family. 

For the last time in my life. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

A/N: Thanks to everyone reading. I know the beginning of books is always difficult because of the exposition and all that jazz, but we're getting into it, I promise. 

I woke up at like 2 am from a nightmare about my car being stolen (???) to see I was ranked #3 out of 1500 stories tagged as "murders" right now I'm at #18, but for three chapters in, I'll take it!

Also if you don't know wattpad that well, please hit that star either at the top or the bottom of the chapters, that's a "vote" and it helps more people see my book in the home page libraries!

It would help a lot to get some votes! 

I hope you all are continuing to enjoy this and are ready for the wild ride that's about to ensue. Thanks again!

Comment, vote, stay fab 

xoxo emily 

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