Finding Him

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Michael swallowed nervously as he watched the other guild leaders talk. they wanted to go to his house. Why? Because they'd never been before. Not that big of a deal, right?


It was a huge deal, normally it wouldn't have been too much of an issue but currently his house wasn't empty. Devin was probably lounging away reading a book somewhere in his living room, blissfully unaware of the danger that was on its why towards him.

The guild leader had tried to convince them to not go but when they were insisting. How was he supposed to tell them no without being suspicious? He followed them silently as they chatted, he lowered his head and thought about how he was going to get out of this one when a hand taped his shoulder. He jumped about a foot (although he'd deny it if asked) and looked up to see Bri looking at him with confusion.

"Are you alright?" She whispered.

He nodded nervously. "Yeah, it's just that... my place is a mess!"

"A mess?" He jumped as Brandon slowed letting Silver and Ritchie walk ahead without realizing the other's were slowing.

Michael jumped again. "How- Oh right. I always forget you have freaky good hearing..."

"It's the wind that brings noise to me." The tallest hummed. "If your that concerned about how messy your place is, not that any of us could talk I'm sure, why don't you shadow travel back so you can tidy up?"

Michael's eyes widened. "That's a great idea!" He grinned, unable to hide his relief as he called on his magic. "I'll meet you guys there!"

Michael appeared in front of his house and sprinted into the building calling out for his friend. "Devin! Devin!"

There was a crash from a different room and Devin sprinted out weapon in hand. "Michael!? What's going on!?" He looked Michael over and breathed a sigh of relief. "Geez I thought you were hurt... What's got you so panicked?"

"The other guild leaders! T-There coming over!"


The two spent the next ten minutes sprinting around the building and removing any sign of Devin's presence. Any clothes, belongings, food, and even things like shampoo were removed, Devin finding a closet to shove them in. By the time they finished they heard talking outside. Michael felt his eyes widen as he heard Silver being his typical loud self.

"Uh oh." Devin muttered worriedly as Michael cursed looking around. His eyes landed on the closet and he shoved his pseudo brother in. "Hide!" He hissed as he hurried to the door.



Devin frowned but shut the door and Michael took a deep breath to compose himself before opening the door. "H-Heeeyy guys." He laughed nervously.

Ritchie smirked at him. "Brother said you hurried ahead of us to clean up?"

"Yeah... The, uh, place was a mess, a horrible mess." He stepped aside nervously and Michael felt his breath catch in his throat as he caught sight of Devin peeking out of the closet. He glared and made a get back motion and spun back around to smile at his guests. "Well, uh, this is the place."

"It's pretty empty in here." Silver commented as he stepped in. "What, don't you got any decorations or anything?"

"I'm, uh, almost never here so I don't really bother with that stuff."

"Oh really?" Ritchie asked flopping onto the couch.

"Yeah, I spend most of my time in my office at Grimshade."

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