Unexpected Rescue (Dragon Pact pt. 2)

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Mitch grit his teeth as he ran through the forest. This mission wasn't supposed to be this hard. It was supposed to be a simple assassination. He was supposed to sneak in kill the target and get out without being spotted.

Easy, right?

Wrong. It seemed like they were tipped off. They knew exactly what the dragon slayer was doing. His entrances, his exits, his methods, everything. He'd managed to escape the mansion where the job was and exiting into the forest. Mitch isn't the type to run, but he also wasn't stupid. He could tell a losing battle when he saw one.

That didn't mean he was going down without a fight though. He'd already taken out a few of them with his poison, and he couldn't wait to try it on these guys as well.

Time to fight he thought. He abruptly stopped, twirling around and slashing two of the guards that had managed to catch up to him. Both fell back dead instantly. Quickly he was circled and surrounded.

"So have you finally decided to fight? Or maybe you'll give up?" I figure stepped out in front of the rest of them and Mitch felt his eyes widening. It was the client. This had been a set up from the start.

"You wish." Mitch spat adjusting his grip on his scythe.

"Come on now." The man's voice was like that of an eel. Or a salesman. Either way it was clear he couldn't be trusted. "How about I give you an offer?"

"... What?" Mitch couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this dude serious?

"Come with us. You would easily become very highly ranked at our... Organization. Your skills could be used to their fullest potential. You would get the chance to become so much stronger. What do you say?"

Mitch swallowed. "You say I could become stronger?"

"Yes. Unimaginable power could be yours. You are already the strongest dragon slayer in Atlantide. Your powers wouldn't be squandered like they are now with your current guild leader." He spat the words harshly and Mitch understood immediately.

This wasn't about him. This man wanted revenge on Michael and was trying to use him to do it.

"Tell me Viper," he continued unaware of the other's thoughts, "how difficult is it for you to sign and watch those other weaklings be called dragon slayers? With us you could put them in their pl-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before his head hit the ground, separate from his body.

"Warning." He said to the rest. "You don't get to insult them. Got it?"

For a moment everyone was still. Then they all lunged. Mitch countered all their attacks using a combination of magic and melee.

Slash, magic, slash, slash, magic.

Mitch didn't last as long as he would have liked. Soon he was on his hands and knees in the dirt, gasping for air and coughing up blood. These guys weren't bad fighters, especially for disposable goons.

There were bodies strewn through the area. Only about eight people still standing. One scoffed and kicked Mitch in the side. He groaned but couldn't force himself up. Everything hurt.

"Pathetic." One muttered. "This guy managed to get SS rank?"

"God, I guess standards have fallen, huh?" Another shook their head.

One then strut over kicking Mitch onto his back and stomping on his stomach, smirking cruelly as Mitch coughed and gagged. "Aww does the hurt little slayer?"

"Honestly if this is the best he can do, maybe we should pay a visit to the other dragon slayers. How would you feel about that?"

Mix-matched eyes widened at that. "Don't- don't you dare!" He gasped out the best he could.

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