More Brotherly Love

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Ritchie woke quietly breathing heavily and clutching his chest. His panicked eyes quickly darted around the room in search of his twin, desperate to see him okay.

Desperate to see he was alive.

Except the room was empty aside from himself. He leapt out off his bed and quickly was yanking back the covers of Brandon's bed, his heart leaping into his throat when he registered that his brother truly wasn't there.

Ritchie immediately sprinted out off there bedroom and flashed to different areas of the island, first checking the guild hall and their office to no avail.

"Dammit. Where are you brother?" He muttered as he took to sprinting across the island instead of flashing. If   something had happened he'd need his mana and he also didn't want to miss him by his own rushing.

His panicked breathing and pounding heart beat was the only thing he could hear as he ran. At least all he could physically hear. In his head all that he could make out was his brother's screams. Flashes of his dream playing out before his eyes as he ran.

He ran by the Protectors guest house and quietly slipped in listening for the sounds of anyone awake. His brother was friends with the one guy, right? So maybe he'd be here. He quietly slipped up the stairs and listened at each door. He heard only the soft breathing of two and snoring in another.

He cursed silently and turned to leave only to jump at the sight of Lo'pho standing there. He cat had his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?" Then he took note of Ritchie's state and became more concerned. "Is something happening?"

Ritchie slowly shook his head, trying to appear calmer than he was.

"No. Everything is, uh, fine. I was just looking for my brother. Sorry if I woke you."

Lo'pho watched him, studying him before saying. "You didn't wake me. I was taking a walk around the island when you ran by. You seemed to be panicking so I followed you." The warrior took a small step towards the guild leader. "You really didn't notice me following you?"

Ritchie bit his lip and shook his head. He didn't mind admitting that, if it meant he could go find his twin quicker. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go."

Ritchie stepped past Lo'pho and made his way down the stairs when the cat called out to him.

"I suggest you check the garden. I thought I saw someone moving around there."

Ritchie didn't even thank Lo'pho before resuming his sprint. He didn't have far to go from here and soon made it to the bench under the tree where he and Brandon would go to talk or think.

He let out a sigh of relief and bent over hands on his knees to breath. His twin was sat on the bench eyes shut and appearing perfectly serene.

Ritchie stood quietly and made his way over to his twin, a small smile on his face. He laughed lightly when he realized his twin was asleep.

"Geez, brother." He whispered softly and ran a hand through Brandon's white hair. Brandon's eyes slowly slide open and he glanced up blearily.

"Hey." Brandon yawned as he greeted Ritchie.

"What are you doing out here?"

Brandon glanced around and yawned again. "I couldn't sleep so I came out here because I didn't want to wake you."

"Well I guess you got to sleep." Ritchie grinned.

"Yeah..." Brandon looked at him eyes narrowed. "What's wrong?"

Ritchie's smile fell. "I can never hide anything from you, can I?"

"Would you want too?"

"Honestly? No, not really."

"That's what I thought. So are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"It was just I nightmare. That's all."

Brandon stared at him silently. It was that stare that most people got nervous under. Not Ritchie though. He knew his brother far to well for that. Instead the he rolled his eyes.

"It's not a big deal. Just wanted to walk after it. Clear my head, ya'know?"

Typically Ritchie was sure Brandon wouldn't buy it. But half asleep as his twin was, Ritchie figured he could get away with a little white lie.

As he expected Brandon nodded, accepting his answer. The taller twin stretched and yawned again leaning slightly against Ritchie who had moved to sit next to him.

"Hey!" Ritchie yelped shaking his twin. "Don't fall back asleep here. You're gonna get sick."

Brandon rolled his eyes and huffed. "Fine."  He stood and pulled on Ritchie's arm, pouting slightly. "Come on."

Ritchie blinked. "Oh so we're both going."

"Obviously." Brandon tugged on his arm again. "C'mon, let's go. We can even share a bed."

Ritchie giggled. "Alright, alright, we can cuddle."

"Yeah cause I'm offering for me. Not because you're still upset or anything."

Ritchie blushed lightly realizing his twin had seen right through him. "Alright. Let's go to bed."

But as he said before, he wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Ugh, I love brotherly relationships so much. Again not proof read because it is 2:30 in the morning and I have to get up at like 7 so I'll reread later to do that. Bleh

Also does anyone have a good name for Genderbent Ritchie? I was thinking either Rikki or Regina but I wasn't sure and I can't do that part of my genderbent Guild leaders au without a good name.

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