A Pact Mentor

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Colin frowned as he made his way through the guild hall. Something felt different, not that he could really put his finger on it but he was sure something had changed. He made his way past the mission request boards and nearly had a heart attack when a voice spoke from behind him.

"What are you doing runt?" He whirled around and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Geez, do you always sneak up on people!?" Colin groaned clutching his chest.

Mitch scoffed. "I didn't sneak. I walked. If anything you're the one sneaking. What are you doing?"

Colin frowned. "Don't you feel that? Something is... different."

Mitch's eyes widened. "You feel it too?" 


"I've been feeling it for a few days now." The poison dragon slayer admitted. "No one else did so I assumed it was nothing. It' weird because it's different but not quite... wrong? If that makes any sense."

"Yeah! I've been feeling it all day and it's getting annoying." Then something Mitch said processed to Colin. "Wait you said no one else felt it?"

"Yeeaah... Why?"

Colin glanced around before lowering his voice and whispering. "Do you think it could be a dragon slayer thing?"

"That... could actually be it." A flash of realization flickered across Mitch's face before he crossed his arms and frowned. "But what would it be? We know all the dragon slayers."

Before Colin could answer he was interrupted by a giggle. They both jumped and turned to see a familiar face. However the face was the only thing familiar about it.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Pat...?" Mitch looked him up and down before slipping into a defensive stance, Colin following quickly after. "You're not Pat. Who are you?"

"Well, technically I am your dear Patrick." He smiled before adding. "Physically anyway."

"Physically..?" Colin felt ill as it clicked. "You're possessing him?" He knew what it was like to be controlled by something else and he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy, let alone a fellow guild mate.

Mitch glared looking furious. "You son a-"

Abruptly Not-Pat was in his face hand covering his mouth. "Pumbaa, not in front of the kid!" He he said in mock horror before laughing and jumping back to a safe distance before either could respond.

Colin growled and decided to do the talking as Mitch didn't seem to be able to. (Not surprising he was as angry as he was, he and Pat were pretty good friends after all.) "Who are you?"

He bowed. "Alumos, at your service."

"Alumos?" Mitch frowned. "That's not possible. He died, like, a really long time ago."

"Who's Alumos?"

"Alumos was the first leader of Grimshade." Mitch explained.

"Ahh, yes," Alumos smiled, "the good old days. I should also tell you that I am with Pat of his own consent."

Mitch lowered his fighting stance. "What? But why would he-?"

"Not important." Alumos waved him off with another giggle.

"Uhh, I'm kinda lost, but why are you here anyway?" Colin asked.

Alumos smirked and walked over sitting on one of the tables and Colin couldn't help but be thrown off by how relaxed and casual he acted. Compared to Pat it was a complete turn around. Alumos shrugged as he lounged.

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