Chapter 4. USJ Incident

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Class 1A was having another training exercise, Izuku went to train in secret as he wanted to try something he had come up with. Meanwhile everyone was steadily improving.

"Alright kids keep training well and try to learn more about your quirk, Next week we will have a Disaster training at the Facility called USJ in short" Aizawa explained to the class. Meanwhile Izuku was training somewhere else, he had perfected his new technique and was trying to improve his fighting skills and his fire quirk in general.

Suddenly a blond guy walked up to him which took him by surprise. "oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you!" The blonde said. "It's nothing i just didn't expect someone to be here right now" He said. "Say, what do you think about sparring with me?" The blonde asked. "Sure but i don't really know you, also why do you want to spar with me?" Izuku asked.

"Oh, sorry my name is Mirio togata, and i want to spar with you because i got interested in you and your skills, maybe i can help you improve aswell" He explained confidently. "Don't worry it won't be anything serious" he quickly added.

"Sure why not, you seem very strong and i have a feeling i can learn alot from you" Izuku smiled, "Alright then take a stance" Mirio said as he took his own stance. Izuku joined the lead and took his stance aswell, Izuku used his fire on his hands and feet.

"So it seems you won't need to cover your entire body in flames" Mirio said out loud. "not anymore, at first i did but i can use it like this now" he explained, Suddenly Izuku launched himself at Mirio and was infront of him in an instant which took Mirio by surprise.

Mirio barelly managed to block Izuku's punch to the gut he tried to counter attack but Izuku was gone from his sight when he felt a kick in his back. Which made Mirio fall to the ground a few meters away. "i knew that fire made you fast but your strength is no joke either" Mirio smiled.

"i can do more then just that." Izuku said while placing his hands together to create a fire ball then shot it at Mirio who was barelly able to dodge. When the fire ball hit the ground it left a small crater. "That's some destructive power you got there" Mirio said.

"Now as an idea to improve create another fire ball like that but don't shoot it" He explained. Izuku did as Mirio said, he created another fire ball and held it. "Can you maintain that fire ball while using your fire on your hands and legs to fight in combat?" He then asked. Izuku used his quirk on his feet and hands. "Yeah seems so why?" He asked.

"Absorb that fire ball inside your hand, try using that destructive force in close combat." Mirio explained. Izuku tried absorbing the fireball into 1 hand and held it, "It takes some concentration and it's hard to maintain but i am able to do it" He said.

"Alright now use that force and punch the ground, it may seem dumb now but try it" Mirio said. Izuku then punched the ground blwoing away the ground underneath him creating a crater. "Alright, now can you also shoot that fire like a flamethrower?" he asked. Izuku was easily able to do this so that wasn't a problem.

"Alright i heard you will be having a disaster training in 1 week, let's train this week and achieve 2 things, 1. Being able to channel that destructive power inside your hands faster, and 2. learning how to channel it during combat, or while avoiding an enemy!" Mirio explained.

"Wow Mirio even after just that little sparring we did you already found an idea! thanks alot! let's train hard!" He said.

The week passed by fast, whenever Izuku and Mirio weren't in class, they were training. And so there was just 1 day before the disaster training at USJ. "Hey Mirio can i ask you something?" Izuku asked. "Sure go ahead" he answered.

"What made you interested in me? and why are you helping me so much?" He asked. "Some time ago i was at school with a friend, we saw on the news that a friend of ours was being attacked by villains, we wanted to rush towards that person, but the moment we wanted to head out we saw that some people who were just passing by save our friend, they fought those villains like they were doing it on a daily basis, we owe them for saving our friend, i guess seeing you made me remind that and made me want to help you" Mirio explained.

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