Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One

Start from the beginning

Then a group of boys came in stomping staffs in a choreographed way. Safe to say it looked fierce. Halfway through the hall the group collectively stopped and swung their staff in a circle before banging the ground with them leaving a charcoal black circle from impact.

"Damn!" Draco whispered.

However Harry was not impressed, "Simple impact spell, i thought they were elites." 

Draco just chuckled next to him and kept watching the show.

The group they placed their staffs down onto the ground and sprinted forwards, the front few did some flips whilst the rest of the group went to the side making a pathway for someone else to go through.

That, someone, was Victor Krum and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff.

Victor stormed into the building making Harry snort at his dramatics.

Victor, however, having heard the snort stopped and looked at who it had come from.

"Harry Potter is it? I have heard that you are the person to watch out for as the next seeker." Victor asked, his thick Russian accent coming through.

Harry simply laughed, "I think you're safe." Harry commented.

"Never the less, I would love to have a one vs one, it's been a while since I have had a good competition," Victor asked.

"I suppose so, there is always room for improvement, and a little competition never hurt anyone, you're on." Harry smirked.

This caused Victor to laugh, "I feel as though we will be very well acquainted, I look forward to it Harry." Victor said his face lit up with a smile.

"As do I Victor." Harry laughed.

Victor then turned his head and continued his way to the front, he seemed much happier now than when he first entered.

"How is it that by simply judging them you happen to make new famous friends!" Pansy whisper yelled.

"Maybe people just like me." Harry teased before turning his head back to McGonagall.

"It is so good to have you here, your students can go and sit at the end of the Slytherin table." She pointed in Harry's direction.

Victor was the first one to move and walked directly to Harry and asked, "Can I sit here?" 

"Sure," Harry replied smiling.

The rest of the group from Durmstang walked slowly and filled in the gaps of the table.

McGonagall continued talking but Harry had lost focus, "This is Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, Theo and this is my boyfriend Draco." Harry pointed everyone out to Victor.

Everyone waved slightly trying not to gain McGonagall's attention.

"Hey guys! Boyfriend huh?" Victor whispered back.

"Yeah, hi." Draco responded quietly.

"He's gone all shy." Harry smiled at his blushing mate and kissed his cheek making him go even redder.

This caused Victor to laugh.

Maybe a bit too loudly as McGonagall stopped talking for a moment to glare before continuing.

"Whoops," Victor whispered.

"As I was saying Welcome to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" McGonagall yelled.

As she said that a group of girls in pastel blue uniforms came through.

The glided forwards elegantly and stopped in front of the Slytherin table. The girls sighed and extended their hands towards Harry and the group. 

The girls then continued forwards and did the same to the Ravenclaw table a few metres ahead. 

"They do realise  the whole point of this is to show off magic not that you can sigh." Harry whispered confused.

Victor chuckled and replied, "Did you analyse our performance like that?" 

Harry started to say no but he was cut off by a chorus of 'yes's'.

Victor laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry I just don't see the point in all of this." Harry grumbled.

"Fun?" Victor commented.

"Yeah dying in a tournament definitely sounds like fun." Harry mumbled.

"Ignore him he woke up too early this morning, normally he is more fun." Draco laughed as he told Victor earning him an elbow to the stomach.

The group of girls were now running forwards and releasing blue paper birds as they opened their arms. 

"I can kinda see what you mean." Victor whispered to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh no don't boost his ego it'll go through the room." Blaise teased.

Harry simply rolled his eyes and watched as their headmistress Olympe Maxime walked through.

"Thanks for having us." She said to McGonagall.

"No problem, we should combine schools more often, girls you may find yourselves a seat at the end of the Hufflepuff table over there." McGonagall directed them with her hands.

Once everyone was settled McGonagall started her speech again.

"Now that everyone has arrived we can get into four groups as Professor Snape," She pointed to him as Snape rose. "Directs you, we will all be doing ice breakers to get to know each other." 

Snape then walked down the tables giving everyone numbers from one to four. 

Once he reached the Slytherin table Harry stared directly into his eyes.

"No Harry I cannot put all six of you seven including Mr Krum into the same group." Snape said sternly. "Don't even try it."

"Come on please at least Draco and I please?" Harry begged.

"Fine actually but you will owe me." Snape drawled on "And take Mr Krumm with you he looks like a lost puppy, Group 4." Snape said before numbering all of them off and moving on.

"Do I look like a lost puppy?" Victor asked confused.

"Not to everyone but Snape is good at seeing through masks and underneath in your split second of weakness you can see through and just a little bit do you look like a lost puppy." Harry finished.

"Oh," Victor simply stated slightly pink in the face.

"But don't worry it would be concerning if you didn't consider the situation, I mean I do quite often just not everyone can see through my mask, Draco however can and always seems to know how I am feeling even when no one else notices a difference." Harry stated with a smile grabbing hold of Draco's hand under the table.

"Oh that's sweet actually," Victor said returning the smile.

A/N Have a good day/ night!

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