They hid behind the long dark curtain in the walls.

The foosteps are getting closer and she saw Kotetsu and Izumo walking.

Both of them held their breaths as the two roving student officers past their hidding spots.

"No one's here"
They heared Izumo said

Kotetsu sighed
"Right, let's go to the other hallway"
And with that, the two walk away and disappeared to their sights.

"Well, that was a close one"
Sakura sighed in relief

"T-Thank you for pulling me with you, Sakura"
The Hyūga girl smiled and bowed

"Oh, no problem, now let's go"
Sakura grinned and let the shy Hyūga lead her to their destination.


Naruto was waiting in their common room for the certain pink haired girl.
He was seating on their couch almost 1 hour from now.

Everyone was sleeping now
He sighed
I wonder what take her so long?
He slowly stood up to the couch
I have to find her before the roving student officers will caught her!
He said as he grab his invisibility cloak with him and walk out.

This invisibility cloak is so useful
Thanks to mom and dad!
He smiled

Naruto's parents are long gone dead... but before they pass away, They leave him 2 things... and one of it was the cloak.


Sakura notice that Hinata was leading her outside the school.
She raised one of her brows and decided to ask the shy girl.
"Do you want me to help outside the school?"

"Yes, we are almost there"
She said in a bit hurry

This made Sakura's suspicions grow inside her. Not like she didn't trust Hinata, but she felt SOMETHING WRONG.
She sounds different

They walk and walk, until they sneak past to Jiraya's small cottage, the one who serves as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, Gamekeeper, and creative writting professor at Hogwarts.
He was known as the best author and many buy on his published books especially "The gusty Ninja" the first book he published. He was also known as the ONE OF THE THREE LEGENDARY and the personal trainor and godfather of Naruto Uzumaki.

Sakura's heart began to pound on her chest
Something's not right!
Her mind keep telling her, repeating like a mantra.
They walk further until the entrance to the Forbidden Forest came to view.
Sakura paled as she remember Professor Hagoromo's warning about this place.
"Students, always rember that you are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, also known as dark forest that grows in the grounds of Hogwarts especially in night time. Unless you are accompanied by your professors."

"Hinata, we are forbidden to enter here"
Sakura reminded the midnight-blue haired girl.
"Let's just tell Professor Jiraya"
Sakura smiled
"He might able to help us especially he is the Keeper of Keys and Grounds in hogwarts!"
She said cheerfully masking her fear.
Deep inside she was panicking.
I really love this place especially our class with Professor Iruka but that because it was during day time!
Tonight is different because it was DARK!

Yes, Sakura was right, her class with Professor Iruka about rare creatures and monsters always been held here.

"Let's go to Professor Jiraya"
Sakura was about to turn back but Hinata grab her wrist tightly and drag her to the forest.

Sakura hissed in pain as she try pry her hands away but Hinata's grip was so strong.
"Stop it!"
She whimpered as the midnight-blue haired girl drag her deeper to the dark forest.

I should have allowed Naruto to come with me earlier.


Naruto looked around the library, looking for sign of the pink haired girl, but he found nothing.
Where is Sakura! She said she will go here?
The blond sighed in furstration as he adjust his invisibility cloak.

Suddenly an image flash on his mind...
The image on his dream that Sakura died.
This made his blood run cold.
Sakura's in trouble!
He quickly dash out to the library.


The Uchiha turned the other side of his bed as he groaned in annoyance.
He can't sleep and he didn't know why!

He decided to sit on his bed and fixed his raven black hair.
What's wrong with me?!
He look to his reflection on the glass window beside him and saw his eyes flickered from bloody red to black, again and again.
Did something happened to the idiot?!
He muttered
No... this is different... if something happened to Naruto, my eyes will only turn to red at once!
Not like this!

That's the special bond if you GOT THE BLOOD OF ONE of the the THREE! Your own body will tell you if something happend to the other one.
Professor Orochimaru was no ordinary profesor. He was one of the three legendary Sanin and was secretly his godfather and training him until he got his blood for a reward for surpassing him... AND this made him a Sanin.
A Legendary Sanin is a person that possessed a special powerful magic in the wizard world. It was a gift from their god... selecting 3 people to hold the LEGENDARY magic! AND THAT SELECTED THREE WAS Orochimaru, Jiraya and Tsunade.
And he knew Naruto have Jiraya's blood that made the idiot a sanin.
And the last legendary sanin was the Gryffindor headmistress, Tsunade Senju.
Sasuke was a bit confused.
He never saw or even heard Tsunade trained someone, like Orochimaru and Jiraya to him and Naruto.
Maybe she's training her student secretly

Suddenly, a certain face of a pink haired girl flash in his mind.
This made his eyes widened.
What was that?!
He muttered as he stood up.

He quickly look down to his body and narrowed his eyes.
My body moves it's own!

His mind started to worry
This made him gritted his teeth.
He hate to admit that he started to WORRY ABOUT HER!
What's with her that made my eyes react like this! Don't tell me she's a- NO IMPOSSIBLE! How could a muggle born have a blood of a LEGENDARY POWERFUL WIZARD SANIN?

Sasuke closed his eyes and took a deep breath...
Damn it!
He cursed under his breath and decided to find her.
Maybe that stupid mudblood got in trouble!
He sighed in annoyance and about to sneak out to the slytherin's common room but he halted as something caught his eyes.
He saw a small bump on corner, behind the the long green curtain.
He quickly opened the curtain and saw an empty potion bottle and a small piece of paper.
He narrowed his eyes as he read the paper.
This is the ingredients needed to make a Polyjuice potion and this hand written looks like... it belongs to Karin.

He quickly hid the bottle and the paper to his black robe and dash out.

What do you have in mind again, Karin!
He growled as he run in speed.

Looks like I have to look for the pink haired muggle...
She's indeed in trouble!


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