Lost Moment

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I dreamt of sweet lilies
Color pouring out of delicate daisies
Might just crumble upon the slightest touch.
Baby blue clouds lathered the gigantic sky
And crust green covered the sand.
Marshy lands within an eyelid's distance
Thunder struck over them lightening up the plateau,
But here, my lilies and daisies live in a happy soft nest.
A serenading calmness befalls upon me.
The morning glory rolls over the fields of fairies
A leprechaun under the mythical rainbow with his pot of gold.
Laden with imagination, a hope in the moment of despair.
Elliquaire flies over the horizon
My warrior's lightening triumph and her ferocious gold wings
It dawns on me that she has more capabilities as a dragon than I as a human.
I had not dreamt all this though
A fantastical land with its greedy riches.
For I had dreamt of a lost moment,
Now farther away than any mystical creature.

-Robyn xx

Date: 3rd February 2020

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