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I was bouncing on my feet, stopped by two figures,
Two pairs of hands gripping me hard
Who can stop them?
Manhandled, their hands run atop my body
Dressed in red, a pretty maiden on my left.
Her piercing eyes shoots lasers into my soul
And her messed-up soft brown hair tickles my neck.
Her hands stop at my chest,
Her seductive presence sends shivers down my spine
I inhale hard, her French Parfum hits my nose
Beauty should be such a crime especially of a young woman
Looking down at her red rosy plump lips make me bite my own
Running her fingers through my hair, she purrs softly
Oh dearie me, this should be a crime, and it is.
Her wet lips lays kisses on my neck, pulling on my necklace
I try to pull away, abruptly stopped by the handsome man on my right
Surrounded by such glamour, I begin to feel fatigue and dizzy
His hands slide down to my hips, stopping at every curve
"Oh my!" I groan at his antics
Slipping down to my precious bum, he sighs
Grabbing my face forcefully with his hands
A brunette with venomous eyes, dangerously attractive
He wears a shirt, making him look more worthwhile.
I muster energy to win the prize.
Must fight these two off for my goal.
He grabs my face to lay a kiss on my lips but I frown because I could not feel it
Soft, gentle touches, both work on me, taking me on to another world
I shake my head, curiosity stirs in me.
I open my eyes to see,
I am back in a closed room, soundproof walls
Confined to a corner
It's amazing how imagination has no boundaries.
I sigh and stand up in front of the mirror
It hits me when deceiving eyes look back at me.


This poem has many hidden meanings. Well, as you know I have problems accepting my sexuality. Reasons are due to my religious and cultural backgrounds. Well this poem explains what I feel about it. The kiss of the man I am unable to feel but able to feel the young ladys kisses on my neck explains what I want and that what is expected of me is not working.
The part where everything disappears means it was all an imagination and what I feel like in real life, soundproof walls indicate that I cant tell anybody. The parts where I say about my prize and goal means the things I am working for right now to get, like uni and such. The last part, about deceiving eyes means then why I finally see the mirror (truth) I see that my own eyes are deceiving me.
I hope you all understood what I was trying to say.

"She was a rainbow but he was colourblind."

Note: I am sorry about the brunette thing. I think I have a thing for them. Although, I do like some blondes....

Date: 16th January 2020

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