Season 3: Episode 12

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And the worst part was, I couldn't talk about it with Sam because I didn't want to scare her any further.

"What does Sam think about it?"

I almost had to laugh at the irony of the question.

"I don't talk about it with her," I revealed. "Ever since the fieldtrip, she's just been different. She's probably in her head more than me."

Ethan shifted uncomfortably at my sharp tone regarding Sam, but I couldn't help it. Her silence was hurting me, and it absolutely sucked not being able to tell her what was bothering me so much. I mean, we were in a new place with new people. I didn't have the support I had back home. Things were different and I needed her now, too!

The conversation stalled at my stale mentioning of my fiancée and then we were back in class. It was distracting enough, but once it was over, the thoughts came rushing back. Then, eventually, we were packing up for the day and I was escorting my kids to the bus lines.

Once I dropped them off, I headed to the carpool area where I was assigned today. Deep down I was happy about it because I knew Ava was a car-rider, which meant I could make sure the right person, if you could even call them that, picked her up.

"I like this book a lot, Miss Adams," Ava said as we accompanied each other while waiting.

I watched her cradle the book in her lap because she refused to put it in her backpack. Hopefully she could get some reading in at home since I was allowing her to bring it outside of the classroom. Something I wasn't allowing other kids to do.

"What do you like so much about it?" I wondered, realizing she was the last one to get picked up today. Again.

"I like how Jo is always so happy," she said. "He doesn't get sad, not matter what bad things happen."

The sound of longing in her voice made my heart ache. I knew she was envious of the fictional boy, and I wanted to tell her that the sadness she felt was valid. That she had good reason to be, but how do you explain bad things like abuse to an eight-year-old that has possibly never felt real love in her life?

I checked my watch and realized it was well over an hour of us being out here. Her guardian was clearly late, and I was getting hot. Even though it was October, Florida's heat wasn't like Missouri's, so I decided to escort Ava back to my classroom where we could wait with air condition.

"How about we go back to my classroom to wait?" I wondered. "Aren't you getting a little hot?"

Ava just nodded.

"Let's go then," I ordered. "You can read a little more of your book, too."

She flanked me and I wondered how I should go about this. I could wait another thirty minutes to an hour, but once I did, then what? Maybe I could call her emergency contacts. I had them in my desk. Then again, I didn't want to worry the girl, which I would if I called for her guardian in her presence.

That's when we rounded the corner of the hallway and ran into Ethan. He looked startled to see the little girl next to me. His eyes asked the silent question. All I could do was nod.

"I'll give it another thirty," I revealed. "Then I'll call."

He just nodded. "Let me know when you do. I can stay with her."

Ava entered the room first and returned to her desk where she eagerly opened her book to continue. I sat at my own and continued some teacher work I needed to get done for an upcoming test and wondered if her ride would even show up today. Luckily, the book was distraction enough for her, but I couldn't stop thinking. What if no one showed up? What would happen to Ava then?

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