Chapter 10

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I just realized that I'm a really sucky author and I haven't been posting SORRY! BUT THEIRS ONLY FOUR CHAPTERS LEFT!

Chapter 10

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Ramin asked quietly from where he sat on the opposite end of the couch to where Sierra was.

"I was scared." She said quietly.

"Scared?!" Ramin shouted, jumping out of his seat. "You being scared of me is not an excuse to disappear and hide the existence of my unborn child!!"

"Ramin, this is why I'm scared! You scream your head off at me every time we see each other!"

"I have valid reasons to be mad! You're past your due date for the baby and I had no clue of it." Ramin spat, rolling his eyes.

"Ramin, I didn't know what to do. We were divorced and I became pregnant with your child during a one night stand. I was just terrified of being judged and all this shit that comes along with all this stuff."

"Sierra I get what you're saying, but this is an inexcusable thing that you did. You kept me from the advances of your pregnancy and that hurts me. You've been such a bitch through this all and it's pissing me off!" Ramin screeched, and Sierra gasped. "What the hell now?"

Sierra held onto her stomach, crying immediately. She self consciously reached for Ramin's hand and they held onto each other. "My water broke!" She screamed, squeezing his hand.

"Ok, let's get to the hospital." Ramin yelled, grabbing his phone and keys and dragging her out the door.

"What about the kids?" Sierra grit out.

"I'll call the school and I'll tell Jaiden to come by right now." Ramin quickly dialed the phone while driving quickly and recklessly to the hospital. "Hey Jaiden." He said, trying to be calm but Sierra let out a scream of pain and held onto the seat of the car.

"What the hell? Dad, was that mom?" Jaiden asked nervously.

"Ya. She's going into labour. I-"

"She was pregnant?! I didn't know that!"

"I didn't either until a few hours ago!" Ramin said sarcastically, glancing at his ex wife. "Just come by to the hospital with Marissa, like soon."

"I'll be there. Bye."

"Bye." Ramin hung up and immediately grabbed Sierra's hand. "Hang in there, almost there." Sierra nodded, screaming in pain again.

For whatever reason, as they arrived, a doctor and nurses ran out with a wheelchair. Sierra was confused, but happily sat down and let them roll her inside.

Her questions were answered when she saw Mary inside, looking worried. Sierra squeezed Ramin's hand again as pain shot through her stomach.

They brought her to a room and gave her some pain killers, so Sierra calmed down a little bit.

"Everyone's here." Ramin said quietly.

"Dear god, bring them in." Sierra said breathlessly. Jaiden, Marissa, Camille, and Hadley all came jogging in.

Sierra reached for Hadley and Camille, cuddling with them. "I'm so sorry I left." She whispered in their ears, kissing their foreheads.

"Cami, Hadley, I know you just got back with mom but you have to leave. You can come back in in a while." Ramin said, because Sierra was almost ready to start pushing.

"Ok, bye mommy. I love you." Camille waved goodbye as she ran out with her older siblings.

"Feeling okay?" Ramin asked once they were alone.

"Oh my god this hurts." Sierra gasped.

"Well, you didn't do it last time. You got it easy." Ramin teased, and Sierra actually smiled.

As the nurses and doctors came in, Sierra got more and more nervous, having never done this before.

"Hey," Ramin said, catching her attention, "don't be nervous. I'm right here for you, and I'm never leaving again."

"I was the one who left, remember?"

"Then I'll never let you leave again. Even if I have to pin you down on the floor." Ramin teased.

"Mary is outside, right? Go get her." Ramin nodded, leaving but coming back seconds later. He refused to leave her side for too long.

"You cared for me my entire pregnancy. I know you're dying to get away from me, but I need you in here for this." Sierra rambled on, grabbing her hand. "I might break your hand, by the way."

"Ok Sierra, you're ready. Start pushing."

Sierra started pushing, letting out a huge scream.

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