Chapter 2

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Here's the next chapter! And the plot is revealed in this chapter as well! I've gotten many guesses of the plot, and you get to find out.... ENJOY

Chapter 2

*one year later*

"Daddy!" Camille called, running through the halls and into the kitchen. "You'll never guess what today is!" She chimed, sitting on his lap.

"Hmm," he hummed, putting his coffee mug down, "let me guess. Christmas?"





The little girl giggled, poking her fathers cheek. "No daddy, none of those are it!"

"One last guess. Is it, your birthday?" Camille's face lit up, nodding.

"Yes it is."

"And how old are you?"


"Oh!" Ramin shouted, his hand flying to his heart, "you're practically an adult!" They both laughed for a while before Ramin sent her off to get dressed for school.

Hadley came down not too long after with Camille on his hip, her talking his ear off about what she wants for her birthday. "Alright Cami, I got it. I'll get you a present while you're at school, okay?" Camille nodded.

"Alright you two," Ramin chuckled, "let's get you to school."

Ramin drove the kids to school, and as Camille was getting, she stopped. "Daddy, can I see mommy?"

He sighed, "maybe. I'll call her and see. Get to school, I love you."

Ramin hadn't had the heart to tell his now six year old daughter that her mother moved to London. He did tell Hadley, but couldn't tell Camille.

Camille was the exact replica of Sierra. From her hair, to her eyes, to her traits of sweet and genuine.

Ramin debated over whether or not to actually call Sierra or not, and eventually did. "Hello?" Sierra asked.

"Hey Sierra. It's Ramin." He spoke awkwardly.

"Ramin, I'm not in the mood to fight." She spat.

"I never said I wanted to fight. I just wanted to know if you were planning anything for Camille's birthday."

"What can I do? I'm barely allowed to see the kids because you told the damn judge about my cutting. All I can do is send a freaking card."

"Sierra, I don't want to have this conversation now. And you know I couldn't just lie on the stand."

"Yes you could have, I did. I lied for you. I lied because I love you!" Sierra screamed, "you know what. Nevermind. I'm hanging up." And the line went dead.

"Camille is going to be crushed," Ramin sighed. Then his phone rang again. "Hello?"

"Hello Ramin," Andrew Lloyd Webber cheered into the phone, "how are you?"

"I could be better. What's up?"

"On Friday night I'm throwing a Love Never Dies reunion. Would you like to come?"

"Sure." Ramin got some more details before hanging up.

He didn't even think to ask if Sierra was going to be there. He didn't want to make a scene. Neither wanted to tell anyone they had divorced in fear of bashing their own reputations. So no one knew besides their family, and Ramin's.

"I hope this goes well."

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