Chapter 4

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Someone hit me in the nose with a shoe in gym today. So now I look like Rudolph. Well, Christmas spirit! Enjoy this chapter while I go cry in pain...😊

Chapter 4

"Sierra, why would you do this?" He cooed, doing his best not to get mad.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." She whispered back, grabbing both his hands. "I didn't have anyone to talk to."

"Sierra, have you cut?"

"Yes." Sierra began to sob now, so she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Ramin led her to the bed and sat Sierra down in his lap. "Shh, it's okay. Calm down."

Sierra eventually looked up at him, with big eyes. She straddled him, but not in a sexual way.

Sierra enjoyed this comfort of having someone love you, hold you, comfort you. Obviously, she knew it very well, but missed it the past seven months.

Ramin stared into Sierra's eyes, and both began to lean in, and their lips connected.

Neither were sure how they felt about this kiss. They each loved each other will all their hearts, but each had a deep hatred somewhere in their souls.

The kiss deepened, and Sierra pushed Ramin down on the bed, pulling his shirt off in the process. Her hands ran over his chest and to his belt, pulling his pants and undergarments off.

Once his clothes were off, he pulled off Sierra's bra and underwear before flipping them so he was on top.

As his hands resting on her hips, his eyes skimmed her body and he smirked. "It's been six years since we've been together."

"Ramin, I need you right now. Please." Sierra begged, pulling him on top of her.

Once they were done, they curled up under the covers. Sierra was just about to fall asleep when Ramin shot up. "Oh shit, we left everyone at the reunion, including the kids."

Sierra and Ramin both jumped up and got redressed. But the damage was done for Sierra, it definitely looked like both of them had sex. She had ugly, worn out curls, and no makeup.

"Screw it. I don't care." Sierra groaned, walking out the door with Ramin.

"Sierra," he started, desperation in his voice, "please come back to me. I love you and I can't live without you. I can't raise Camille on my own. She needs a woman figure in her life."

"I don't think I can, not just yet. You hurt me Ramin, I keep telling you. I'm not ready to jump back into this relationship. I'll be there for Camille and Hadley, but I can't be with you."

Ramin got angry, stomping away and leaving Sierra in the dust. She sighed, keeping up her pace. When she arrived, she immediately excused herself to the bathroom.

She found something sharp and dug it into her wrist, suppressing a scream.

Once her wrists and floor were clean, she returned to the party. By now, their was only an hour left.

Sierra did her best to enjoy the time she had with Camille and Hadley. For all she knew, Ramin might not actually let her see them anymore.

"Call me any time you want to, I'll almost always answer. And come visit me too, I'm only a couple blocks away." She told the kids, kissing each of their foreheads.

"Why don't you just live with us?" Camille added, a bright smile on her face.

"Well," Sierra let off a small smile, wishing she could, "you should talk to your daddy about that, okay? I love you both." She pulled them into a hug before letting them run off with Ramin.

Before he left, he turned and have her an angry look before leaving.

Sierra was so angry at herself and Ramin. She stomped home and threw open the door, letting out a frustrated scream.

She ran into her room, changing into pajamas before stopping and looking at her bedroom.

The blankets and sheets were all messed up from the events of the night. In the rush of their departure, Ramin had left his dress coat on the floor.

Sierra tore the blankets and sheets off her bed and ripped them up, throwing it around the room. She also took Ramin's coat and ripped it to shreds.

After that, she was filled with even more hatred and anger. She took her razor from the bathroom and cut into her wrists, both of them. She cut anywhere she could see open skin.

Sierra knew this was wrong, but she hated everything, including herself.

She wanted to die. She didn't want to see Ramin in the streets. She didn't want to see Camille grow up without her mother. Sierra didn't want to be a Broadway actress anymore, even though she hadn't been on stage in four years or sang since the divorce.

Sierra wanted to kill herself. No. She needed to kill herself.

With one last push of the razor, she blacked out on the floor, laying in a pool of her own blood.

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