Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Sierra had now been living in her old house for a month and a half now and hated every second of it. Well, every second she had with the kids, alone, was amazing.

Sierra had slipped into a deep state of depression. And, fighting with Ramin constantly didn't help at all. She kept her cutting secret, but did it very little. She only ate when the kids or Ramin was around, finding if she ate at certain times she would get sick.

Sierra sighed as she sat in the couch, reading Mockingjay. The kids were at school and Ramin was out with his old cast of Les Miz. This is how Sierra spent most of her days, reading, while everyone else was out.

When Ramin came in the door with Will Swenson, Andrew Kober, Andy Mientus, Samantha Hill, Nikki M. James, and Kaela Settle, Sierra immediately noticed up he didn't have the kids. He usually did pick them up, but decided not to today.

"Wow," Sierra shouted, grabbing everyone's attention and slamming her book shut, "thanks for picking up the kids from school, Ramin." Sierra rolled her eyes, grabbing her keys.

"Shit, I forgot-" Ramin started.

"Ow!" Sierra yelled sarcastically, "my wrist hurts so much! Maybe I'll go cut it some more!"

"Shut up Sierra." He snapped, causing everyone to gasp as she slammed the door shut.

She picked up the kids from school, silently, and brought them inside, silently. She stomped upstairs, ignoring everyone greeting her.

Sierra flopped on the bed, but immediately heard a knock on her door. "Mommy," Camille's little feet brought her onto the bed, sitting on Sierra's laps.

"Yes dear?"

"Why didn't you say hi to daddy?" She asked, her eyebrows raising.

"Well, I hate to tell you this, but we had another little fight. Now, Cami, once I'm allowed to, I need to leave. I would take you if I could, but I'm not allowed to."

"Why not?" She whined.

"Because it's against the law. But off this, go do your homework." Camille nodded, running out the door.

Sierra then wandered around her temporary bedroom. Then Sierra suddenly got sick. She ran into the bathroom, emptying her almost empty stomach in the toilet.

She sat back, sighing, suddenly very scared and nervous. "Oh my god. I can't be." She wanted to scream.

Sierra snuck into Ramin's bedroom and stole her suitcase and lugged it into her room. She immediately threw all of her belongings in it. Sierra waited until the Les Miz cast was gone.

It was 3am when Sierra snuck downstairs and put her bag in her car. She tiptoed back inside and left her family a note, telling them she loves them and would be fine. Just as Sierra was about to leave, she heard, "Mom?"

She turned to see Hadley rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. "Hadley, go back to sleep. I'm just going out for a walk." She whispered, kissing his forehead and sending him off to bed.

Sierra sighed, mentally saying goodbye to her house.

***time passes***

Sierra began to sob as she stared at the stick in her hands, tears falling onto it.

Sierra reached forward and knocked on Mary's door. It took a few minutes before she actually answered, rubbing her eyes.

"Sierra? What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" Mary asked, concerned.

"Mary," Sierra sniffed, rubbing her eyes, "can I stay here for a while?"

"Of course."

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