Chapter 6

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Is it a problem that for a second I forgot what this fanfic was a sequel to? And it's a very big problem that I haven't posted in two days. IM SO SORRY! I'm behind on chapters and I had to keep writing, I totally forgot! SORRY AND ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!

Chapter 6

After two days in the hospital, Sierra was discharged. She still didn't want to live with Ramin, but she was forced to, or she had to stay in the hospital.

Sierra stared out the window, feeling exhausted. Her eyes shut at sometimes, but she always jerked her head back up.

"Sierra, it's okay if you fall asleep." Ramin added, chuckling slightly.

Sierra just nodded, leaning her head against the window again. When she did wake up again, Ramin was gently opening the door on her side of the car.

"I just didn't want to disturb you, sorry. But the kids are really excited to see you." Sierra nodded slightly, using Ramin's assistance to get out. She tried to walk by herself, but stumbled a bit. "Sierra, stop denying my assistance. You'll need me for a while, get used to it."

"Fine." She groaned, stopping at the door. Ramin pushed it open to reveal the kids on the couch with Hadley Fraser.

"Mommy!" Camille shrieked, hugging Sierra's legs before she could react.

"Cami, let mommy sit before you hug her. She's very weak." Sierra limped over to the couch and held out her arms for the kids. They both jumped at her, and she hugged them with all her might.

"I love you," she murmured over and over. "I love you,"

"Mom, why were you in the hospital?" Hadley asked, pulling back.

Sierra shot Ramin a frantic look, and he gave her one in response. "Well," Sierra started, rolling her eyes, "I got a few cuts."

"Where?" Camille asked, sitting on Sierra's lap.

"On my wrists." She replied shortly, staring down at the white bandage that covered both her wrists.

The room fell silent, until Sierra let out a yawn. "Alright, kids, let's let mom get some rest." Camille groaned, and so did Hadley.

"You guys can come take a nap with me." Sierra whispers behind Ramin's back as he began to help her up the stairs.

He brought Sierra into their old bedroom, now his, and laid her down on the bed. The kids jumped in on either side of Sierra, resting their heads on each of her shoulders.

"Try to rest Sierra." Ramin have her a stern look, causing her to immediately close her eyes. Once she knew Ramin was gone, she began to settle in to the grasps of her kids.

"Mommy?" Camille asked, "why did you and daddy stop loving each other?" Sierra hadn't gotten this question yet, from anyone, and wasn't sure if she had asked Ramin yet.

"Well," Sierra started, sitting up and putting her arms around Camille and Hadley's shoulders, "sometimes, people fall in love. But after a while, they realize they don't love each other anymore."

"Then why did you have to fight so much?" Hadley asked, slightly cringing.

"When couples fight, that's their was of testing their love for each other."

"Do you still love daddy?" Camille perked up a bit, smiling at Sierra.

Sierra even smiled a little bit, kissing her head, "yes, very much."

"Then you aren't why and dad together?"

"Sometimes, love is one sided. You may love one person, but they might not like you back. That's what's happening now."

"But dad always say he loves you, he tells me all the time!" Hadley cheered, rolling his eyes playfully.

"He does?" Sierra smiled, "well, I don't think it will work out. Maybe in the future. But for now, let's get to sleep because I'm exhausted."

But Sierra could hardly sleep. She was too busy thinking about what Hadley had just told her. "He still loves me?" Sierra asked herself quietly, "he loves me."

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