Is L'Arc Gay or Eroupean?

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Psycho: Please don't ask why this is the first one-shot. 
I was bored. I was listening to There! Right there! or Gay or European on Youtube. I was reading a RotSH Fanfic. My mind came up with this. This has a little bit of Naofumi X L'Arc at the end. 


Therese: "There! Right There!" She points at L'Arc "Look at that Tan well-Tended skin. Look at the Killer shape he's in." She points as L'Arc again and again "Look at that slightly stubbly chin"  She holds L'Arc's chin before letting go "Oh, please he's Gay totally Gay." She looks at everyone else, standing around them, L'Arc being as confused as can be.  

Motoyasu: "I'm not about to celebrate. Every trait could indicate the totally straight expatriate. This guy's not Gay, I say not Gay." He steps forward

"That is the elephant in the room." Everyone around them began "Well, is it relevant to assume, that a man who wears perfume Is automatically, radically fae?" Everyone sang

Motoyasu: "But look at his soft and crispy lock" He ruffled L'Arc's hair, his hand quickly getting swatted away 

Therese: "Look at his silk translucent socks" She motioned down at L'Arc's feet 

'What socks?' A lot of people thought as L'Arc was wearing leather boots

Ren: "There's the eternal paradox, look what we're seein'" He stepped forward, everyone's eyes on him

Therese: "What're we seeing?" 

Ren: "Is he Gay~?" 

Therese: "Of course he's gay!" 

Ren: "Or European?" He suddenly said

"Ohhhhh..." Many people said confusedly, as a lot didn't know what European was

L'Arc just looked totally and utterly confused and done with these people

"Gay or European? It's hard to guarantee. is he gay or European?" Everyone sang the chorus again

L'Arc: "Well, hey, don't look at me!" He was ignored

Melty: "You see they bring their boys up different those charming foreign ports"

Glass: "They play peculiar sports." She stated, L'Arc looking defeated as his two friends now both had joined in

"In tiny shirts and tiny shorts" Everyone sang as they looked at L'Arc's outfit, some silently questioning it as L'Arc was wearing pants "Gay or foreign fella? The answer could take weeks. They both say things like 'Ciao Bella' while they kiss you on both cheeks" 

Therese: "Oh, please" 

"Gay or European? So many shades of gray" Everyone sang

Fitoria: "Depending on the time of day, the French go either way." She stated, a lot of people surprised at her being there and even saying something

"Is he Gay or European, or—" 

Bitch: "There! Right There! Look at that condescending smirk, seen it on every guy at work. That is a metro, hetero jerk, that guy's not gay, I say, no way" She smirked

"That is the elephant in the room." Everyone sang "Well, is it relevant to presume, that a hottie in that costume," 

Therese:" Is automatically, Radically" 

Motoyasu: "Ironically, Chronically," 

Glass: "Certainly, Flirtingly,"

Ren: "Genetically, Medically," 

"Gay, officially Gay! Officially Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay... Dammit!" Motoyasu had put L'Arc's arm around Therese's shoulders

"Gey or European?" Everyone sang

Erhard: "So stylish and relaxed"

"Is he Gay or European?" 

Ren: "I think his chest is waxed" 

Therese: "But they bring their boys up different there, it's culturally diverse. It's not a fashion curse," 

"If he wears a kilt or bears a purse." Everyone looked at L'Arc's belt and then his scythe "Gay or just exotic? I still can't crack the code"

Melty: "Yet his accent is hypnotic, but his shoes are pointy-toed." 

"Oh." Everyone looked ta L'Arc's leather boots

"Gay or European? So many shades of gray" Everyone sang

Bitch: "But if he turns out straight, I'm free at 8 on saturday~" She called before being pushed away

"Is he gay or European? Gay or European? Gay or Euro—" Everyone was interrupted

Itsuki: "Wait a minute. Gimme a chance to crack this guy, I have an idea I'd like to try." 

Motoyasu: "the floor is yours." He said as he and everyone else stepped back

Itsuki: "So, Sir L'Arc. This alleged affair with Ms. Therese has been going on for...?" 

L'Arc: "Two years." He said, thinking Itsuki meant his and Therese's adventure

Itsuki: "And your first name again is?"

L'Arc: "L'Arc?" He answered with a question and Itsuki had just said his name

Itsuki: "And your boyfriend's name is?" 

L'Arc: "Naofumi." He answered quickly as people around him gasped "I-I'm sorry! I misunderstand. You said 'Boyfriend. You thought you said 'Best friend'. Kiddo is my, best friend." He tried saving himself

"You bastard!" Naofumi said from the back, coming closer to the middle and a shocked L'Arc "You lying bastard! That's it! I'm not covering for you anymore! People! I have a big announcement!" He said getting everyone's attention "This man is Gay and European!"

"Whoa!" People gasped

Naofumi: "And neither is disgrace! You gotta stop you're being a complete closet case!" He poked L'Arc's chest, staring into his eyes "It's me not her he's seeing, no matter what he says." He pointed a finger a Therese "I swear he never ever, ever swing the other way! You are so gay you big parfait, you flaming one-man cabaret!" 

L'Arc: "I'm straight!" 

Naofumi: "You were not yesterday." He smirked, "So if I may, I'm proud to say, He's Gay~!" 

"And European!" Everyone else sang

Naofumi: "He's gay!" 

"And European!" Everyone else sang

Naofumi: "He's gay!"

"And European and gay~"  Everyone else sang

L'Arc: "Fine, okay, I'm gay" He finally admitted, defeated

"Hooray!" Everyone cheered 


Later, when everyone else is gone, Naofumi pats L'Arc's head as his head is in Naofumi's lap while L'Arc Sulks at his supposed betrayal from Therese and Glass and confusion, not understanding what happened before. 

Naofumi doesn't understand either and is kinda embarrassed that he just admitted their relationship to everyone, but also a bit proud over having gotten back at L'Arc for all the times he had embarrassed him, and questioning what the hell everyone had to do with L'Arc and his sexuality getting outed


Psycho: I had wayyy to much fun doing this. 

And I know this was probably a bit v̶e̶r̶y weird. But, in my defense, as I said at the top, I was bored and had nothing better to do. 

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