It's either you impress her or you get sent out the door

She was with Bob lecky, the fashion magazine editor.. When I walked in

"Sorry to interrupt, I would just come back when you are free"

"No no its fine, what do you want, "

"I wanted to pitch my project to you "

"Ohhh ok"

"I should go ahead with it right now"

"Yeah "

She was still busy showing Bob lecky something on her laptop

"I'll just come back "

"Ohh wait, You know what just do what you do best, I trust you would do a great job.... So just go ahead and do it "

"just... Just like that "

"Yes Matilda... Just like that..... Put your designs into work and come out with something fabulous like you always do"

"You want me to go ahead with it"

"You just heard me.. Right"

"Yeah.... I don't know what to say... I'm really grateful "

"I'm glad too "
I was about to leave when something pop into my head

"Anything else"
Its now or never

"Ermmm actually.. I was wondering if you could maybe give me some credits for my work"

"I don't understand, don't I give you enough credits for your work"

"You do..... But i mean when it is being showcased on the runway "

Eleanor sat up right and removed her glasses wearing a frown

"Why are you asking me for that.. Do you know what it means"

"yes I do.... But"

"But nothing.... If you know and understand what it means then.... I guess you can have it your way "

"Really! "
"Thank you, Thank you so much"

"Its OK... Now pls as you can see am really busy Matilda "

"Ohhh no... Am good, thank you for your time"

I hurried happily and rushed out of the office.. I looked at Stacy and winked at her

My day was made.
I didn't know how Eleanor would react after I told her I wanted to get credits for my work especially at this time... I thought she would just kick me out of her office and out of work

After we closed for the day.
I went straight home and hope that Felix would show up today

I was working in my workshop when he arrived with my Chinese takeout
This man is the complete package
Too reasonable for his own good

After eating we sat in the living room watching one of my horror clips with the lights turned out and our hands tangled together

"This is getting really creepy... I don't know how you enjoy this sort of movies "

"What!  I like how they make my skin crawl "

"You are so weird.... Do you know that"

"I do.... " I chuckled
"I told Eleanor that I would like to take credits for my work on the runway "

"Oh and what did she say"

"She seemed pretty cool with it... Too cool actually, I wasn't expecting her to take it so well"

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