I walk to my kid's room and get them dressed warmly so they won't get cold and go and make them breakfast while they watch tv. Jasper comes down after his shower and places his hands on my waist and says, "Good morning, Darlin'."

I say, "Morning, babe. Are you ready to go? Kids! Breakfast."

They come in and start to eat and he says, "Yes, I am. You?"

I say, "I'm totally ready to hear your sexy accent talk about newborn vampires and fight Emmett."

Jazz adds, "And win."

I say, "Damn right."

He kisses me sweetly on the lips and the kids say simultaneously, "Ew!"

I say, "You think that now, but when your older,"

I point at Jasper and continue, "that's all your going to want to do with a woman or man or both."

Jasper shakes his head and I blow him a kiss. He smiles and we grab our children and go to the field. I place a blanket and they sit on it and color and the wolves come in after Bella and Edward arrive. Edward says, "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms."

Carlisle says, "They came. That's all that matters."

Edward says, "They want to know how newborns differ to us."

Carlisle says, "Newborns are stronger and faster than we are besides Brinley because they have human blood in their tissues. That keeps them strong for about a full year and then the strength and speed slow down. Brinley is a very controlled newborn. Jasper you want to show them."

Jasper says, "Emmett. Don't hold back."

Emmett says, "Not in my nature."

I watch the way Jasper's muscles flex and how he stands and assess hoe to beat him if I'm ever up against him. I see him throw Emmett into a tree across the field and I have one word. Hot. He ends up beating him and Edward and Carlisle are next and Jasper says, "Never turn your back on your enemy."

Carlisle tackled Edward and I laughed because it was funny. I say, "Jazz, my turn. With powers or no?"

Jasper says, "No. Not unless you don't zap the dogs. Or burn them since you have the weather and elements."

I smirk and zap Jasper and pin him. I mumble, "I win. Your enemy isn't going to tell you when to start, hubby."

The wolves back up and I smile. Jasper gets up and I mumble, "Go time."

I zip around Jasper and zap his ass and go up the tree and hop onto his back and grab his neck and say, "You're dead again, babe."

Jasper whispers, "That hurt my ass."

I say, "I know. Especially when I do it on accident. To myself."

Emmett laughs at us and I zap him above the nuts. He doubles over and I say, "Stop listening to my conversation with my husband and figure out how to beat me, Muscles."

He nods and I look at Rosalie who just shrugs. He deserved it and I kiss Jasper on the lips. Rosalie fights Carlisle and loses. The fights go on and on and I see my babies asleep on the blanket. Awe. I snap a photo of them and it is my lock screen. Jasper is my home screen. I feel hands on my waist and I flip them over and it is Jasper who is now on the ground and lands with an omph. I say, "Sorry Jazz."

I help him up and then he says, "Can you fight Edward?"

I nod and I run around Edward and zap him multiple times and I hear, "Stop zapping my boyfriend!"

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