𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24 - 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓣𝓾𝓻𝓷 𝓘𝓷

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Maya's POV
My eyes shot open. Swear dripping down my body. My breaking uneven. I took a look at my surroundings to then realise that I was in my room. I could feel something holding onto my leg lazily. I looked to my left to find a sleeping Levi. I placed a hand on my head to try and ease to pain but unfortunately failed. Making the pain harder to endure. I pushed aside the pain and got up. It was early in the morning and the sun was only just shining through the window.
I pushed Levi's arm off of the leg and headed to the bath room. I ran a hot shower and removed my clothes. I stepped into the warm water and closed my eyes. I grabbed for my shampoo and started to wash my hair . I could feel my wings getting heavier due to the weight of water that they absorb. I washed the rinsed my hair and applied some condition on it. After doing that I washed my body and got out of the shower. I dried off the water and put on a dress which was easier to move around in. Along with some boots.

(Her outfit) I brushed my hair through and dried it off

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(Her outfit)
I brushed my hair through and dried it off. Luckily for me my hair was naturally straight so it always looked good. I snapped my fingers and my horns reappeared. My wings were still wet. So I focused my power into my wings and slowly pink flames could be seen dancing around the feathers making them dry and fluffy.
I walked out of the bathroom and saw Levi sat up looking confused.
"Hey Levi what's wrong?"
"Huh? Oh there you are I see you've woken up since you passed out yesterday" he commented whilst looking at me with his droopy steel-blue orbs.
"I passed out?"
All of a sudden my headache came back. It was like a blow to the head. I cradled my head and fell on my knees. I hissed in pain as I sensed Levi rush over to me and grab my shoulders. Asking me if I'm okay. I shook my head saying no.

In an instance I suddenly blanked out...

I quickly opened my eyes to find I was somewhere else. I didn't recognise the place because I had never been there. My senses were on high alert since I had the feeling that something was going to happen. I quickly looked around to find nothing.

A few moments later I heard loud sadistic laughing furrowed my brows in confusion and looked around. Trying to find the source of laughter. I heard a bang. It was dark. I tried to stand up but couldn't. My feet had shackles on them. And my arms were chained to a wall. I groaned in frustration as I couldn't use my powers to get me out.
The laughing got closer and I heard something that sounded like heels tapping against the floor as this thing took a step.
It was still dark so I couldn't see anything. I slouched against the wall and being wings to the front the keep my warm.
The tapping of heels and laughter stopped and a slam was heard on the bars of the cell. They made me jump. I still couldn't see who it was which made me more wary of what could happen. Slowly a little light was shining through the dense cell bars. Causing the dull and gloomy room to light up. The light kept flickering so I supposed it was a candle. Making the atmosphere more creepy than it already was.
The light moved towards what seemed a face.
All of a sudden multiple tourches aloght around the long dark hallways lighting everything. Allowing me to see who was in front of the cell. A slim figure if a woman appeared. She had long purple hair and strange looking ears. I figured she was part elf. I also noticed that she had horns at the top of her head same as me.
This gave me an idea that she wasn't human but wasn't fully demon.

(Also I'm really bad a describing so please bear with it) She looked at me with a sadistic smile and said "Why hello queen of the underworld" he sickenly sweet voice pierced straight through my ears

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(Also I'm really bad a describing so please bear with it)
She looked at me with a sadistic smile and said "Why hello queen of the underworld" he sickenly sweet voice pierced straight through my ears.
"So your the one that bring me here then?" I squinted my eyes in anger and furrowed my brows in frustration. She chuckled at my expression and continued talking.
"I've being you here for one condition. That condition is to take your title of queen and kill the humans in your so called planet 'Earth' what a stupid name"
"You won't take my title of queen away from me and you certainly not kill my people!" I shouted at her. I stood up to run to her but was instantly pulled back down due to the chains restraining me from going anywhere. I whimper in pain at the sudden impact.
"Maya I will make you relive your death and your will sooner wish you would've stayed dead. So you know how many people you've killed. How many you've murdered due to your selfish actions. Your brother gave up his life to revive yours, you killed your mother and killed your little boyfriends squad." I gritted my teeth at her words knowing it was all true. I squeezed my eyes shut as the tears prickled you to my eyes.
"Your weak. That's the only reason why you want to kill everyone. How many people have you killed to get your way?" I shouted my anger taking the best of me.
"I've had to make the odd sacrifices but I've never killed anyone intentionally. However that might change with you."
All of a sudden she gave another smirk and a bolt of pain shot through my body. I screamed at the sudden stroke of pain beads of sweat poured down my forehead.
"I'm going to have fun playing with you Maya. Oh! I almost forgot when you blanked out in your boyfriends arms you were teleported here so they have no chance in finding you"
Just as I was about to say anything I felt something wrap around my body. It's tight grip causing me to squirm.
"Your sick! I hope you know that!" I screamed with anger. Her face still showing her sadisitic smile that I hated. 

"If your wondering what the thing wrapping ournd you is. Let me asnwer that for you. His name is Venom, he is a very rare type of snake in the underworld. The only one of his kind really. He wraps around his prey and send electrical shock waves thtoughout their body. causing them to become weak and immobalised." She said whilst snickering. 

The snake known as Venom wrapped himself around my entire body apart from my wings and made sure his grip was firm. 

All of a sudden a wave of pain shot throughout my entire body causing me to scream out in agony. Everytime I moved he increased the voltage making the electric shocks more painful then they already were. 

"At this moment you shall call me Cordilia..." She whispered into my ear .

"You will answer to only me and become my servant if you don't want your little boyfriend to be killed right in front of your eyes. Do you understand?" She also added as her demonic glare went straight into my skull. 

"Y-yes Cordilia..." I didn't have a choice. If I didn't do as she said she would kill Levi right in front of me. 

Alomst straight after I said this I felt a sharp and qick sting on my back. I moved my head around to see what Cordilia had done and I saw that she had a whip in her hand. That was when I knew I was in big trouble... 

3 hours later... 

Venom released me from his grip and allowed me to fall to thr floor. My hair was a mess fromthe long hours of torture. My knee's hurt from being forced to stand up for so long and my back was covered in my own blood. 

After the whippings and electrical shockings I was alomst about dead. I dreaded to think what they would do tomorrow...

"Maya will you become my slave now?"

I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. I cound't use my power to contact Cilla or the dragons.I was practically useless right now. So I didn't have a choice...

"Yes Cordilia. Anything for you my queen..." I spoke hoarsly. I didn't know what was coming out of my mouth and I guessed that I had been out under one of her spells again.  

Thank you for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it xx

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